Author Topic: Biophysics help  (Read 2073 times)

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Biophysics help
« on: June 07, 2010, 04:38:02 am »
1.A young man has a blood pressure of 130/75 mm Hg. What is his pulse pressure? What is his
mean arterial pressure?

2. What frequency of ultrasound must be used to image features 0.3 mm across? Assume that a
spatial resolution is set approximately by the wavelength and the velocity of ultrasound within
the tissue is 1, 540 m.s-1.

3. A patient has a heart rate of 67 beats/min, a pulmonary vein O2 content of 0.21 ml O2 /ml blood,
a stroke volume of 77 ml/beat, and a pulmonary artery O2 content of 0.14 ml O2 /ml blood.
What is this patient’s oxygen consumption?

anyone can help? Thanks in advance
IB May 2009