Paper wasnt hard. i finishd it in 1hour 15mins... ques1 was v.easy. n ques 2 was nt that hard. it was just measurng deflectn n provng k...
my grad was: -0.176
Y-inter: 0.22
Z was -0.55
ques 2:
angle 1: 23
angle 2: 20
k was i) 0.30
for erors i wrote:
i.paralex eror
ii.wind from fans
iii.light magnet
iv.and difficult to hold magnet in position with hand.
i.perpendicular view
ii.large magnet
iii.plastic stand
iv.take readngs n plot a graph...
m sooo happpy! my ppr rockd! it was waaaaay beter thn chem practical.