Income and corporation taxes... and charity..
People give long 'virtuous' lectures about charity, but I believe, if a business provides corporation tax and does not try to evade it, the owners or the shareholders are automatically giving charity (and more than necessary of it). We don't need any further provision for charity, be it for religious reasons or not. But it may be done for gaining publicity, if seen fit.
The minimum charity in Islam is only about 2.5% to 3% of net worth, whereas the rate of income and corporation tax is well above 10% in all countries. Other religions are likely to have similar figures. Therefore, the requirement of any religion is automatically fullfilled, given people and businesses don't try to evade taxes.
The income and corporation taxes are used by the governments in many ways, which mostly supports the poor (eg. roads and bridges in rural areas, subsidies to loss making businesses which provides employment to the poor, in some countries, unemployment benefits etc. etc. etc. ). So, its similar to helping the poor with charity.
Any problem with my assumption?
You may passively discuss religion because this topic is closely related, but try not to insult any religion.