Qualification > Sciences
[IMPORTANT]20/5/2010 Biology Paper 6
--- Quote from: Kimo Jesus on May 19, 2010, 04:28:07 pm ---biro kuwait?
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Egypt bro :)
$H00t!N& $t@r:
hey i have a question....
you know when you draw a line graph do you draw straight lines from one point to the other using your ruler, or is it always a freehand drawing, or a line of best fit?confuseddd
--- Quote from: biro on May 19, 2010, 05:39:05 pm ---An osmosis and diffusion experiment, insects figure and state visible differences and lungs diagram
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what incests figure?
For M/J/08 Paper 6, Q.3)b)i):
How do we measure the distance grown (mm) accurately from the diagram. The pollen tube is not a straight line so how do we measure it?
Where is the micropyle? Is it the whole in between C at the right-hand side? The big hole?
--- Quote from: biro on May 19, 2010, 05:47:07 pm ---Egypt bro :)
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t7aya msr enta mdrst a?
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