Qualification > Sciences

[IMPORTANT]20/5/2010 Biology Paper 6

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$H00t!N& $t@r:
no1 is answering my question  :'( :'(


--- Quote from: Shooting Star on May 19, 2010, 05:50:13 pm ---hey i have a question....
you know when you draw a line graph do you draw straight lines from one point to the other using your ruler, or is it always a freehand drawing, or a line of best fit?confuseddd

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i think we have to make a best fit curve.......but i am not sure.....can any one confirm it?


--- Quote from: Shooting Star on May 19, 2010, 05:50:13 pm ---hey i have a question....
you know when you draw a line graph do you draw straight lines from one point to the other using your ruler, or is it always a freehand drawing, or a line of best fit?confuseddd

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Free Hand is preferred most unless mentioned else

--- Quote from: Burhan.arshad on May 19, 2010, 05:51:16 pm ---what incests figure?

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He can bring an insect figure and a arthpod figure and ask you to compare visible features (if you don't know what are these then go and study characteristics of living organisms).

--- Quote from: Ivo on May 19, 2010, 05:52:43 pm ---For M/J/08 Paper 6, Q.3)b)i):

How do we measure the distance grown (mm) accurately from the diagram.  The pollen tube is not a straight line so how do we measure it?


Where is the micropyle?  Is it the whole in between C at the right-hand side?  The big hole?

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Question 1: Try to divide the pollen tube into many straight lines so that you can measure them with your ruler.Don't worry there is always a range for answer like between 5-7 cm for example.

Question 2: It is the hole that pollen tube enters through to fertilize the ovum found inside the ovary (i.e it is the opening leading to the ovule)

--- Quote from: DEGO on May 19, 2010, 06:11:16 pm ---t7aya msr enta mdrst a?

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Saint Fatima :)


--- Quote from: biro on May 19, 2010, 06:21:34 pm ---Question 2: It is the hole that pollen tube enters through to fertilize the ovum found inside the ovary (i.e it is the opening leading to the ovule)

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I've attached a picture for the question.  I still don't know where is the micropyle.  Therefore, which path is correct, the one in blue or the one in red.

Many thanks in advance.




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