Author Topic: Mechanics 1 (2 questions form october november 2009) (Paper 42)  (Read 698 times)

Offline nipuna92

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Okay i want to know how to do q6
part 1 is ok i got the answer as 4m/s^2

in part ii i got 0.32m but the answer is 0.448m

can some one explain part ii and iii

and the other question is the last question
here it is

A motorcyclist starts from rest at A and travels in a straight line. For the first part of the motion, the
motorcyclist’s displacement x metres from A after t seconds is given by x = 0.6t2 ? 0.004t3.

(i) Show that the motorcyclist’s acceleration is zero when t = 50 and find the speed V ms?1 at this time. [5]

For t ? 50, the motorcyclist travels at constant speed V ms?1.

(ii) Find the value of t for which the motorcyclist’s average speed is 27.5ms?1. [5] >>>>>>>>>>> i want to know how to do this only

i want to know how to do part ii only forst part is ok

Thanx in advance for ur replies

Offline nipuna92

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Re: Mechanics 1 (2 questions form october november 2009) (Paper 42)
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2010, 08:16:51 am »
Isnt there anyone
Oh and please include all ur steps whe solving