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hey guys wat abt the last question where no sloutions were required for f(x )= k.... i got less than -1 and greater than 7....fingers crossed if this rite i should get 74............damnit last q ans should be in range 2.8 and stupid me wrote 0.34...arggh...
I know how you feel, i also wrote 0.34 I realized it just as the examiner was walking away with the papers i felt like shooting myself in the foot!
what was the frst er in the p.??wen de sum of frst three terms was 35
graph was 2 marks.and i got worng value of a in question 2 as well.
dude thats only 1 or 2 marks you are probably loosing which means around 71 or 70.And thats a A my friend.CHEERS
yeah,man.but you know its the sinking feeling k i could ha scored a perfect.....but lol this isnt the first time it happened..anyway how r ur papers going? mine pretty ordinary...