oh oh .I've got a good news which is good for me!! I have found a weakness of my enemy ha haa haaa
MS SHOUSHOU "NYAN" here is afraid of worms

Be careful ms NYAN while sleeping tonight .weird things happen may happen. weird things happen to anyone

especially to you tonight since i have dug a tunnel to your room and ceiling.Not anything special huh?But but will u be okay? i just threw a lot of worms inside those tunnels.

especially big and slippery ones!!!

I wonder what will happen to u ??(hears a girl screaming- kyaah)
OOPS I forgot to say that i locked the door from outside!! ha ha haaa
Now to all of u who challenge THE GREAT LORD KRATOS and call me BOOM, think about what is going to happen to u right now!!! (sounds -tick tick ticcck) BOOOOOOOOOOOM. HA HA HAAA HAHA

WHAT afraid to hear a "boom"