Author Topic: 6BI07 (Unit 3b) Biology Help!  (Read 1364 times)

Offline Meh

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6BI07 (Unit 3b) Biology Help!
« on: May 08, 2010, 07:40:35 pm »
How are you lot studying for this unit? =(

I know the experiments and I've gone through the new syllabus papers (the 3 available ones)

But I dont know what else to practice?

Anybody have any links to good questions?

Also...what are you lot reading from Unit 1/Unit 2 for this unit?

Please do reply. Thank you.

Offline M-H

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Re: 6BI07 (Unit 3b) Biology Help!
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2010, 08:03:23 pm »
How are you lot studying for this unit? =(

I know the experiments and I've gone through the new syllabus papers (the 3 available ones)

But I dont know what else to practice?

Anybody have any links to good questions?

Also...what are you lot reading from Unit 1/Unit 2 for this unit?

Please do reply. Thank you.,7364.0.html
go here..ull get ALOTA things...make sure u practise em...ull learn alot even if they dont cum in the xams=)good luck