For me- it's a tough decision.
I love my family, like most people do, but at the same time I truly love my friends.
Deciding between them may be easy, well for me at least, but life without one or the other would be impossible.
I'd say my family.
Your family will be the only ones who would stand besides you throughout your lifetime, they would forever support you, and even make you of more importance than themselves.
Im mainly talking about my parents.
You friends, doesn't matter how close you are to them, have their own lives. They would support you, help you, be there for you when you need them, but there's a point that it comes to, where that friend needs to live their own life, where their kids, or their family is of more importance to them than their friends.
The usual question - "If your mum/sister and your best friend was drowing, and you could only save one, who would you choose?"
This is a typical "who do you love more" question. It's difficult, you want both to survive- but if you can only choose one, Im sure most of you would choose your family. Anyways- I would. It would kill me inside to have lost a friend, but my family would be their to console me, and make me understand that life goes on.