why daphnia needs aheart and circulATory system 
Any organism requires a heart to
pump blood. A circulatory system is needed to carry the blood around the body to various organs (for exchange of gases and nutrients). This is done by the help of blood vessels - veins and arteries.
answer all questions in figure provided plz 
a) When boiled, the vitamin content of the vegetables
b) Using titration. (The method is provided already in the paper.

Describe how to investigate the vitamin C content of food and drink. PROCEDURE: Add Vitamin C solution of a known concentration (CONCA), drop by drop, with a pipette, to 2 cm3 of the DCPIP (blue) solution in a test tube. Shake the tube gently after the addition of each drop and continue to add drops until the DCPIP solution is decolourised. Record the exact volume of vitamin C (VOLA) you added. Repeat the procedure and calculate the mean volume.
Repeat the procedure with the fruit juice, containing vitamin C at unknown concentration (CONCB). Record the volume of juice (VOLB) required to decolourise 2 cm3 of the same concentration of DCPIP solution. Note: If only one or two drops of fruit juice are required to decolourise DCPIP, dilute the juice five times and try again.
Using the same technique, compare the vitamin C contents of different food and drinks.
Use the equation below to estimate the concentration of vitamin C in the fruit juices.
CONCB = (VOLA X CONCA) / VOLB VOLA = Volume of vitamin C solution in ml
CONCA = Concentration of vitamin C solution in mg ml-1
VOLB = Volume of fruit juice in ml
CONCB = Concentration of vitamin C in fruit juice in mg ml-
c) You have to write the safety precautions needed to take before you do titration. Gloves, goggles etc...
D)i) Canned vegetables - lose vitamin C during processing. If the canning water is thrown out, even more is lost.
ii) Cutting the fruits and vegetables - Once the protective peels or coverings of fruits and vegetables are cut, the fruits and vegetables begin to degrade and lose vitamin C.
I'll let you do the SAQ6 yourself.