hey guyz...i hav a doubt in edexcel biology unit 6B...cud any1 help me wid d statistical tests part?
i know dat v r not expected 2 know d formulae or fine details of each test n i even know dat v must only concentrate on selecting d correct type of test and demonstrate our understanding on how 2 interpret d results-this has been stated in the revison guide.
cud any1 plz temme how 2 select d correct type of test and demonstrate our understanding on how 2 interpret d results???
How to choose the right statistical test?If you've been given measurements, i.e
specific values of a certain thing, you should use :
Standard deviation and standard error when you're looking for variability between the measurements.
T-test when you're looking for the difference between means.
If you've been given
frequencies and you're asked to find the number of individuals in a particular category, then the
chi-squared test is used.