number of people was 310 
the easiest question was the one about tumours, it was lovely 
and what did u write for the von bla bla factor question where they said use ur knowledge of the blood clotting process???
and the one abotu cystic fibrosis, there were 2 questions,
one said how a gene mutation results in ......
and the second was why ppeople infected with cystic fib. will be infected with this bacteria rather than people having no cysticc fib.
lol i wrote sum crap in that answer
lol yeh the tumor one was good and so was the 5 mark question about cystic fibrosis that was good about why mucus gets trapped in the airway
i seriously hated that question with the blood clottin it was annoying
i wrote about excess fibrinogen being converted to fibrin and formin a clot where the van ..watever was stuck