okay 9 c
More energy is required to remove the 2nd electron than to remove the 1st electron.
This is because the 2nd electron is being removed from a postive ion,which is smaller than the original atom and experiences greater force of attraction.
Even more energy would be required toremove the 3rd electron and so on.
Hence the IE5>IE4>IE3>IE2>IE1 - should increase
so ofcourse not A or C.
Then if you look at B there is a big jump between the 1st IE and 2nd IE ---->which shows the second electron is being removed from the another inner shell.
But nobles gases have 8 electrons in the outer most shell - which means all the 5 electrons will be removed from the same shell - hence there should no jump in the values between the first 5 IE .
Therefore D - IE increases and no jump in the IE values
This is what I think

I am sorry if it's confusing