Aha Okay can u give me an example so that I know what I Exactly Need to know :S
Jazaka Allahu Kulla kair
Ok.......i'll elaborate a bit on
melting points. You may be asked to plot a graph of melting points against the different elements across the period 3. Find attached a graph, though we are not concerned about boiling points

Moreover you need not provide so much detail. A sketch will be more than enough

1. Sodium, Magnesium and Aluminium are
metals with strong metallic bonds. The melting point increases from Sodium to Aluminium because of stronger metallic bonds due to increase in number of electrons. Hence melting point increases accordingly.
Silicon has the
highest melting point because a large amount of energy is required to break the strong covalent bonds holding the silicon atoms together in its giant molecular structure.
3. The other elements exist as simple molecules with weak van der Waal's forces holding the molecules together. These forces can be easily broken down leading to a low boiling point.
Among these molecules
Sulfur has a slightly higher melting point because it exists as
S8 molecules with greater van der Waal's forces of attraction.
You need to know the trend across the period. Most of the time they'll either ask you to plot the graph or you're given the graph and is asked to describe the trend.
Here's a link which explains the other trends
http://www.chemguide.co.uk/inorganic/period3/elementsphys.html#topI know it seems to be bulky..............but once you understand the principle it becomes easy

Anytime sis