Edexcel Unit 4 Acid and Base Equilibrium Question. => Tomorrow's MY Mock Exam !
Sometimes the concentration of the acid and base are NOT 1:1 and in such cases I don't know how to figure out the Equivalence Vloume.
Example :
when 0.20 M NaOH reacts with 0.10 M of Ch3COOH. the acid is 20 cm3 , Why does the Equivalence Volume is equal to 10 cm3 , why is it NOT 40 cm3 ?
if the ratio is 1 : 1 as in 0.1 M of NaOH and 0.1 M of Ch3COOH (volume of acid is 25 cm3 ) then equivalence Volume is 25 cm3 cuz they are 1:1 , same concentration that is.
My teacher said he'll make the concentrations different to trick us so I NEED ot know this BEFORE tomorrow since my exams is Tomorrow so PLEASE Help !
I'm asking this Question cuz I ALWAYS get the equivalence Volume WRONG when I draw the Titration Curve.
Thanks in Advance =D
[ I'll check this in a few hours from now cuz I need to study the rest of the Topics ]