11 c - From the question we know what happens in the decay
We know that a lambda particle and anti-proton in produced
so the equation will be:
(any letter, I used B) = (the symbol for lambda) + (the symbol for anti-proton)
We can use any letter 'cause meson is a group and therefore it doesnt have a specific symbol.
If you check the markscheme, the 2 marks are only for the RHS.
13 a - I was never good with these motor questions so I hope someone else will explain better

14 e - (unit 2)
Emission spectra are porduced when electrons are exicted - jump to higher energy levels and then de-excited, reutring to their orignal state, releasing energy in the process.
Why is it X-ray ---> Not reallu sure about this part
15 - ii (attached) discharging curve of capacitor for current (you should learn these)

how to find the values:
Max current = V/R
10/5000 = 0.002 = 2 mA
then, Q says that typical values so we can find the the time constant
To find 37% of the original current, simply multiply by 0.37 and you will get 0.74
to find the time i takes to fall to this current use the equation I = I(max) x e^(-t/RC)
we know I(max), R and C so we can find t
t = 0.049 = 0.05 s
part iii - Same curve
c - use the equation V = V(max) x e^(-t/RC)
V will be 0.7 (0.07 of 10 = 0.7)
(If you can't get the answer then tell me and I will show you the full solution)
16 b iii - Okay, we know that the smaller the wavelength the smaller objects can be investigated and these electrons have that wavelength
iv - use the knowledge of aplha scattering.
Passed through - empty space
scattered at large angles - there are other particles within a proton and those are quarks