so i was just trying to study physics today and then WHAAAM!!! i got stuck at this point where my textbook mentioned that in hooke's law(F=kx) the spring constant(k)represents the 'stiffness' of the spring and then in another textbook it mentions that the young modulus(E)of a material is a measure of how stiff it is!!

so i assumed that k = E, considering that both measure the stiffness of the material and both are found using the gradient of F/x graph in the case of k and Stress/Strain graph in the case of E.
BUT.....i think my teacher told me that they are both different, so im kinda confused as to which is what so can anyone tell me the difference between spring constant and young modulus please??
Look when you draw a force-extension graph ,the gradient represents the stiffness of the material . the STEEPER the gradient is the STIFFER it is

and since stiffness is the gradient it's calculated as follows :
Stiffness/Gradient = Force/Extension
Young Modulus is the MEASUREMENT of how stiff the material is and
YM = stress/ strain
YM= (f/a) divided by (x/l)
hence , YM = (f/x) * (l/A) -> Pascals

If you don't get it , let me know