i want to ask u something, that in edexcel physics unit 1, under mechanics, the questions based on the textbuk are not sufficient, so can i do more questions in Mechanic 1 of Mathematics. If i do mechanic 1 questions, is that more than enough or not?

do i have to do any other questions???
i know pastpaper questions, questions from revison guide, but i am teling u, apart from that, where can i do more questions based on mechanic in edexcel physics unit 1.
Under edexcel physics unit 1, under mechanic, the chapters are
1. motion equations and graphs
2. Combining and resolving vectors.
3. Force and acceleration
4. Gravity and free-body diagrams
5. Projectile motion
6. Work and power
7. Energy and energy conservation.
under mechanic 1, which is M1, the topics are-
1. Mathematical model in mechanics
2. Kinematics of a particle moving in a straight line
3. Dynamics of a particle moving in a straight line or plane
4. Statics of a particle
5. Moments
6. Vectors
under mechanic 2, which is M2, the topics are-
1. kinematics of a particle moving in a straight line
2.Centres of mass
3.Work, energy and power
5.Statics of rigid bodies
so tel me wat should i do?? i need ur suggestion to this matter.
waitin for ur reply.
need ur reply urgenlty