Author Topic: Edexcel Business Studies June 2009 Paper 2A  (Read 716 times)

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Edexcel Business Studies June 2009 Paper 2A
« on: April 19, 2010, 07:41:40 pm »
Question 9 [4 marks]

Now, in this question I believed that egg's best idea was that it chose the Internet as its place.

Now this was my answer:

Another significant part of the marketing mix was the place where egg sold its service, the Internet.

The Internet is one of the fastest growing areas for businesses to market their products. Due to the presence of social networking sites such as 'face book', there was a lot of word-of-mouth promotion, mentioned in the case study that one of egg's most important features is word of mouth promotion, figure 1.

The Internet is also accessible through any computer connected, thus creating an account would be very easy. Due to this ease, more people would be encouraged to make an account in egg.

I believe that I have not exactly followed the mark-scheme, but I believe that I have scored full marks because I have given a contextual answer.

Question 10(b) [4 marks]

For this question, I explained the figure 1 flow diagram, as I believed it to be the best way to answer the question

Now this was my answer:

Motivated and happy staff will provide greater customer service. Thus customers will feel ‘valued’ and respected, making them loyal to the company. This in turn increases the chances that the business the customer buys egg’s products. Brand loyalty will likely lead to word-of-mouth promotion, due to the quality of their service, this will lead to more customers. Thus a larger customer base means more business, more revenue and thus a rise in shareholder value as the value of the business itself has risen.


Although I may not have gotten knowledge marks, I did apply my knowledge and analyse the situation, I believe I should get the full marks. But I think I might have gotten a 3 on this one due to the lack of knowledge marks and also because, I to some extent re-stated the content of the case study.


Question 12 [8 marks]


I did not treat this question like an argumentative question, it told me to asses, so I believed that I was supposed to comment, and assess what major differences it would have compared to the organisational structure of other banks.


Now this was my answer:

The organisational structure is a diagram showing the managers and subordinates in a business, essentially showing the chain of command.


The organisational structure should not be heavily affected.  But one implication is likely to be a very large technician crew, who manage the site and its network. Also other branches are likely to be heavily network based and have their own technical crew.


The management style will likely have more communication via instant messaging, e-mail and video conferencing. Also manager have to be tech-savvy. Applications may have to be installed on employee computers so that managers can monitor what they are doing.


There will be many implications on the business. Mainly that the organisational structure will have a very big technical crew and managers have to be more tech-savvy.


I believe that I failed to understand the question, or the question did not use the specific vocabulary required, I always want to give a contextual answer, even if it is out of theory, because I believe in practical business there are few rules, and they keep on getting broken again and again. But in this question, I believe that I scored between 5 and 6. I do not know what I actually got. Can you please clarify this for me?


Question 13 [12 marks]


For this question, I believe I wrote too little.


Now this was my answer:

Labour flexibility is how easily employees can be used from one task to another.


As egg is an Internet based company, employees can access their work via the Internet. Thus if they cannot come to the office, they can still work via the Internet, and as the UK has high speed broadband, this should be feasible.


As egg is moving toward automation, it will put less stress on their workforce, thus making them more flexible.


However, if employees are in a place without Internet access, they will still be unable to work.


Often it may be unsafe to work from a free Internet hot spot such as a cafe, as data can be stolen if not enough security features such as encryption are not available.


In conclusion, egg has a very flexible work force, due to its Internet base, however it may not be feasible to call workers to help as there are security risks concerned. But this can be avoided, if egg supplied its workers with high speed mobile Internet as well as faster and secure Internet in their homes. However, these new measures to increase flexibility will significantly increase cost, and egg should consider whether simple having more permanent staff is a feasible option, but as egg values its staff immensely, and having more permanent staff that it takes great responsibility over may be even more expensive.


Now, I believe that I should at least get a 10, can you please clarify.

Guys, can anyone please help me with this, please if you have a business teacher, can you please help me by making them mark this for me. I desperately need this favor.