uhmmm for Physic's P1 may/june 2000's Q6 ... Which instrument can be used to give a direct measurement of the mass of a rock on the Moon? choices are : A) bathroom scales, B) Beam Balance, C) Force Meter, D) Top-pan balance ...
i thought it was the forcemeter but the answer said beam balance.. explanation .. anyone?

well you got urslef there !
HE SAID MASS . mass is in KG ..But you said forcemeter ! FORCE IS NEWTONS .
bathroom + top man balance will give u mass automatically liek it is on the earth !! i mean look at the formula W= Mx G
when u want to find M = W/G ..and the gravity of moon is diffrent than on earth
but beam balance you keep adding weights and stuff till you get the exact mass !
tricky question tbh !