i dont effing get it....c the thing needed to switch on the transistor is...tht one of the resistors in the potenial divider has to be more and the other has to be less than tht of the pd of the circuit??? is it like tht 
My teacher was a examiner and used to correct exams of igcse . she told me to rwright this any time it comes up ( transistor ) no matter The reading resistance of LDR or thermister you say the following ( if its increase right increase if its dec right dec )
in this case an LDR WITH LIGHT . ( and it says the bulb switches on )
So light decreases ristance of thermistor . Voltage acros base and emimitor is high enough to swtich transistor on and bulb lights
another case:
thermistort without heat . ( and it says fire alarm is off )
so thermistor has high resistance , voltage acrose base and emmitor is nto hight enough to switch transistor on and bulb doesnt light
get my point?