please bear with me
I have pasted the qs where i need help and the part are in bold and could help me by putting up the steps .
Also if someone has completed the paper 4s of CIE AICT please post it over here
Using a suitable software package and the file ACKNOW.RTF prepare letters for customers
who have not yet received an acknowledgement of their booking. Only produce a letter if the
AckSent field is False. Save and
print this document showing merge and field codes. Make sure your Centre
number, candidate number and name are shown in the footer of the page.
Provide evidence of the selection method used and place this in your evidence document.
Merge the selected records to a document and save it as ACKMERGE.RTF
Print this document.
You are going to create a system to print letters to customers who have ordered furniture that is
unavailable, apologising and suggesting alternatives.
12 B
efore the acknowledgement letters are sent, it is decided that between the dates of 2nd and
9th August inclusive, the white dining chairs (code wd) are to be withdrawn for repair.
You should make sure that only the customers who have already been sent
acknowledgement letters receive the apology.
Use APOLOGY.RTF as a template. Insert, where indicated, fields that will require keyboard input when the merge is created.
Use unavailable item and replacement item as the text for relevant prompts. Save and print this source document showing the merge and field codes. Make sure your
Centre number, candidate number and name are shown in the footer of the page.
You are required to merge letters to the customers who have:
• received an acknowledgement
• ordered the white dining chairs (code wd)
• made a booking between 2nd and 9th August inclusive.
Enter white dining chairs when prompted for the unavailable item and gilt dining chairs
when prompted for the replacement item. Provide evidence of the selection method used and place this in your evidence document.
Merge the selected records to a document.
Print this document.
You are going to create a menu system using hyperlinks within a word processed document.
Use the file MENUBLANK.RTF as a template to create this menu.
For each menu item, create a hyperlink from the text Click here to open the relevant file.
For each menu item add text to explain to the user what the menu item does.
Place the image MILLSIDE.JPG in the top right corner of the menu so that it is 14
centimetres from the left side of the page and 2 centimetres from the top of the page. Move
the title down so that it is below the image.
Create a hyperlink from this image to the URL Place your Centre number, candidate number and name in the footer.
Save the menu with the filename MILLSMENU
Print this menu.
Provide evidence of the links, paths and filenames used and place this in your evidence
You are now going to create a system to print letters to customers. The letters will inform them of the
full product range and offer them discounts.
Use the UPD.RTF file as a template. Paste link the Item and Charge columns from
CHARGES.CSV into this document.
Adjust column widths to make sure that Item and Charge data for each product fit on a
single line.
Use CUSTOMERS.CSV as the data source for a mail merge to all customers.
Insert, where indicated, a field that will automatically add text as the merge is carried out.
Use 5% discount as the default text and an
extra 5% discount if the discount code for
the customer is b or c.
Save this source document showing the merge and field codes as UPDMAIN in a format
that keeps the merge code information. Provide screenshots or other evidence of all the fields you inserted and place these in the
evidence document which you created at Step 2.
Merge letters to only the customers with an address in Doddsey Business Park
Provide evidence of the selection method used and place this in your evidence document.
Merge the selected records to a document. Make sure your Centre number, candidate
number and name are printed in the footer of the page. Print the document.
Use the file LABELS.RTF as a template. Use CUSTOMERS.CSV as the data source.
The labels should display the address as follows:
Save this source document showing the merge and field codes as LABELMAIN in a
format that keeps the merge code information.
Merge the labels for customers with an address in Millside Industrial Centre only. Place your Centre number, candidate number and name in the footer of the page. Print
the document.
Provide evidence of the selection method used and place this in your evidence document.
You are going to create a menu system.
The menu should include options to:
• calculate costs using the file ORDERS
• produce letters using the file UPDMAIN
• prepare address labels using the file LABELMAIN
• open the data source CHARGES.CSV
• open the data source CUSTOMERS.CSV
Each menu item should be accompanied by some explanatory text. Save the menu as MillsMenu
Include evidence of the links, paths and filenames in your evidence document.
Create a document that automatically generates a full set of labels when it is opened.
Save the document as Autolabels in the format your applications provides.
Provide screenshots or other evidence that shows the methods you used in your evidence
Create another menu item in the file MillsMenu to select the Autolabels. Accompany this
item with some explanatory text. Save the updated menu as MillsMenu2.
Include evidence of the the links, paths and filenames in the evidence document that you
created at Step 2.
9) Automate the production of a letter to customers enquiring about cruises.
Create a macro or procedure to do the following:
• prompt for the customer’s address to be inserted
• insert 3 blank lines
• insert Dear as the beginning of the salutation
• prompt for the customer’s name
• insert 2 blank lines
• insert the text I have pleasure in providing the information you requested
• insert 2 blank lines
• add the company logo PB.JPG to the top right of the page. Include screen shot(s) or listing(s) of your code or macro in your evidence document.
Using the file IONIAN10.RTF run the macro or procedure to produce a quotation for:
Name: Mr D. Liver
Address: 14 Portnoy Place
A20 7NH
Include the closure Yours sincerely after the text of the report. Ensure the letter fits on a single page and your name, candidate number and Centre number
are moved to the footer of the page.
Print the document.
11 A
customer requires a boat in the Ionian region with a crew and air-conditioning.
Use the file AVAILABILITYREQ.RTF to mail merge a letter to cruise companies asking
whether these boats are available. Show evidence of your selection method in your evidence document.
Ensure your name, candidate number and Centre number is included in the footer of the
Print the letters.
Create a menu to make all three reports available to a user.
Give each menu option an appropriate label and ensure that the reports open in preview
mode. Include a screen shot of your menu in your evidence document.
Include screen shot(s) of your code, macro or switchboard items table in your evidence
Using the file ENQUIRYREPLY.RTF as a mail merge template, prepare a letter to be sent
to each customer with details of the cruise they requested.
Where the customer has requested jet skis the following text should automatically be
inserted Please note that due to new regulations jet skis are no longer available. Ensure your name, candidate number and Centre number are included in the footer of the
Print a copy of the document showing the field codes.
Merge the letters to a new document and print the letters.