Mosquito blood? No, would be disgusting. - and yuh say yer vampire..yuh just make me believe yuh, shoshou !

LOL ! yes, he did. thank yuh !
LOL ! yuh show off?

maybe it's like this..OMG ! my hair looks hawt

i am sure he'd love it

, OMG, my dimple is sooo cute and he loves it too !

, oh my lipstick, WAIT ! my natural lip colour is better -_- and on, and on and on and on
YESSSSSSS ! in my skool, the office had these weird windows !

i used to chek myself out and all my friends use to go like..stop showing off, man..we know yuh got a 'cool' hairstyle

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YESSSSSSSS ! and i screwed it HARD !
I think 12 yrs r still not enough for the full recovery


true that !
ever fell fer an sf member?