New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
hmm k i get that now !!!! wait i still dont get so mny ppl actually so seriously studying
many ppl study, may b because studying may b there hobby as it is mine
studying hobby !! ?? u gotta be kidding ! me n studies r like forever enemies !
i m not kidding. studying is my hobby!!!!!!!!!!!!! i luv 2 study COMP, CHEM, BIO, PHY, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, MATHS(almost all times but not sometime).me and ENGLISH, HINDI AND GUJRATI, sometimes MATHEMATICS is also included are like enemies
oh wow this is crazy !! i dunno i soughta get scared of ppl who like studying hindi n maths top in my enemy list
hindi and eng are top in my enemy list
lol guess u don't like langz !!anyway gtg so ttul bye !!
Let him study poor fellow I LOVE FRENCH!!
i love it too, but only if i could have it as a subject!!
Yeah? Why? School doesn't offer..? No teacher and stuff.??