New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Yeah..sure is!LOL.. weird name choice.. Ive always wondered..Why'd you name yourself 'exam'?
lol i was creating my stupid email n was bored of exams so it goes like exambored ! n then when came up to sf exambored was too lengthy so i kept it as exam !i didnt at all like it in da start but now its like a prt of me weird i know !!!!
haha seriously lol no 1 in this world could ever like exams !!!!!!do u like wolves to much
I'm serious, um, no many but prolly 4-5... I think that is many.
omg whateva is wrong with their head exams are plain nightmareeeeeeeee !!!!!!!
All of them are 80-95 %ers..
Dunno.Anybody up? Where is nid and ya gaurav95 and other people?? All on a holiday I guess..
ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME, i'll leave soon! You better leave soon too. 1:57 AM!or, i'll call your dad & complain!