Qualification > Miscellaneous

IGCSE : Information and Communication Technology (0417)

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--- Quote from: markos on February 25, 2010, 06:21:07 am ---hi i try to find thsis exercise using all the website you provided  but i found it very deficult to finish the follwoing exercises .

Produce a new report which:
• has a page orientation of portrait
• fits on a single page wide
• contains a new field called Income which is calculated at run-time. This field will
calculate Price multiplied by Number
• has the Income field formatted as currency with 2 decimal places
• shows only the records where the Week is 36, the booking Date was made
between 1st April 2009 and 30th June 2009 inclusive and the Office is Strand
• shows only the fields Staff, Date, Booking, Week, Number, Tour and Income[/color]
• shows this data and the field names in full
• sorts the data into ascending order of Date and then into ascending order of Staff
• includes the heading Week 36 for Strand at the top of the page
• calculates the total value of the Income field and displays this at the end of the
report under the Income field values, formatted as currency
• has the label Total Income to the left of the total
• has your name, candidate number and Centre number on the left below the

--- End quote ---

Which year papers is it?
Tell me and ill help you. the report is very easy..

It's 2009 ON paper 2

hi everyone im going to start taking

 Information and Communication Technology (0417) for IGCSE and i will take sociology.... im doing my 3rd year of uni but i need to take an IGCSE subject long story

i have one month left.... which book should i use? how many past papers are there for this subject? whats the percentage of each... is it easy/hard? please explain to me

+ i will only have a private tutor for this im in abu ddhabi can u recommend me any teachers or their contact details? im panicking since i havent done IG's for 3 years now... please help..

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