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IGCSE : Information and Communication Technology (0417)

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IGCSE : Information and Communication Technology (0417)

Hi there i I will give the exam in two months time I have finished the theory part , and I have downloaded the 2008 past paper from this website 

but the problem I find it very difficult to solve the practical, could anyone provide me with the answer to the practical or even some websites or video tutorial that can help. Or if someone has screen capture software and knows the solutions to record them it will be very easy.


You have problems, jst lemme knw which paper...I'll tell ya how to do it

Hi mate thanks a lot i have uploaded the questions and supporting files plus a very easy to use screen capture software if you could please solve and record the answer it will really help me a lot. i don’t have a problem with Microsoft word or internet is the rest of  them that i don’t understand

Thanks in advance

ig student:
i see that all the sites that i know have been posted, so all i can offer is that if you have any problem just let me know.

hi i try to find thsis exercise using all the website you provided  but i found it very deficult to finish the follwoing exercises .

Produce a new report which:
• has a page orientation of portrait
• fits on a single page wide
• contains a new field called Income which is calculated at run-time. This field will
calculate Price multiplied by Number
• has the Income field formatted as currency with 2 decimal places
• shows only the records where the Week is 36, the booking Date was made
between 1st April 2009 and 30th June 2009 inclusive and the Office is Strand
• shows only the fields Staff, Date, Booking, Week, Number, Tour and Income[/color]
• shows this data and the field names in full
• sorts the data into ascending order of Date and then into ascending order of Staff
• includes the heading Week 36 for Strand at the top of the page
• calculates the total value of the Income field and displays this at the end of the
report under the Income field values, formatted as currency
• has the label Total Income to the left of the total
• has your name, candidate number and Centre number on the left below the


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