The guy is a retard, no debate about that
Whether it being wrong, now that is a value judgement
But I do believe that the reaction was terrible. Just cause most Muslims are Middle Easterners and there is not such thing as freedom of speech over here doesnt mean it doesnt exist elsewhere. Yes, me and every Muslim is sure the guy is wrong, but do you think that by boycotting Danish (some people even boycotted the entire Scandinavia) you are making the right statement? This way, unfortunately, Muslims are just proving that they are easily swayed by the press and media propaganda. Bravo! you boycotted Danish products, sent a crushing jab to the Danish economy, but what difference does that make to the actual perpetrator? NOTHING! what can the Danish state do? they can't punish him! Freedom of speech is a part of their law now isnt it?
What SHOULD have been done was to clarify it, instead of damaging the Danish economy, why didn't anyone try to clarify Islam to the Danish people (the cartoonist in particular) and make him understand that he got the wrong ideas?