Nice topic

I believe alcohol is a drug which causes fatal problems when used excessively and at a wrong age. Buying alcohol should require a permit according to me....& shops selling it must keep a record of people they sell to. They should stricty be warned by the government to not sell them to children below 18....cuz this is the law...buying and selling alcohol below 18 is prohibited and it has a huge sum as fine(but that doesn't compensate for he damage it causes)..Government should regularly have drives to check on these shops.
Alcohol below 18 can cause damage that you would never imagine and neglect..
On the other hand, alcohol also provides certain health benefits. like wine
Although some studies suggest that red wine offers additional health-protective effects due to its high antioxidant content, the benefits listed below can be obtained by drinking any type of alcohol in moderation.
Dementia: A French study found that people who drank daily in moderation were less likely to develop dementia than nondrinkers and those who only had one drink each week.
Gallstones: Some studies have suggested that those who drink moderately cut their risk of developing gallstones by about 50%.
Heart health: Moderate drinking reduces the risk of both heart disease and death by heart attack; studies have found variable risk reduction rates, ranging from 25% (various studies) to 40% (Nurses’ Health Study-a longitudinal study of 85,709 nurses).
Ischemic stroke: Moderate drinkers have a 70% reduced risk for ischemic strokes, a leading cause of disability and death. However, heavy drinking increases the risk of suffering ischemic strokes.
Type 2 diabetes: There are some indications that moderate drinking may reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes; however, consuming large quantities of alcohol actually increases the risk for this condition.
Vascular benefits: Numerous studies suggest a 25% to 40% risk reduction for peripheral vascular disease in moderate drinkers.
General health: A national (U.S.) study found that moderate drinkers are more likely to get enough sleep each night, exercise regularly and be at a healthy weight than nondrinkers and heavy drinkers.
And finally every parent must think through how best to introduce their children to the pleasures and pitfalls of alcohol consumption. It is important that children are given accurate and balanced advice about alcohol.
My opinion...I wouldn't want it to be banned but regulated well to ensure safety of children
Doctors advised my father to have occasional sips of beer to help ease his chest pain and help him recover from his vascular problems