Viewing Xtremepaper's privacy statement. Its interesting, check it out:
If you are affiliated with any government, police, anti-piracy group or other related group or working for Adidas, Manobo Blahnik, Converse, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Burberry, Hermes, Prada, Air Jordan, Nike, Timberland, Gucci, Cartier, Oakley, CIE, British council, TCS either directly or indirectly, or any other related group, or were formally a worker, you CANNOT enter these webpages, links, nor access any of its files and you cannot view any of the HTML files. If in fact you are affiliated or were affiliated with the above said companies, by entering this site you are not agreeing to these terms and you are violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995 and that means that you CANNOT threaten our ISP(s) or any person(s) or company storing these files, and cannot prosecute any person(s) affiliated with this website. Amendments 9 and 10 of The United States Bill Of Rights protect the right to be free of unwarranted and unwanted government intrusion into one's personal and private affairs, papers, and possessions. Article 12 of The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. The files provided here and in forums are all user submitted whose content cannot be monitored regularly. WE DO NOT BEAR ANY RESPONSIBILY.