New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
WOW. 18 hours? OMG... That gives you only 6 hours left, for sleeping, eating, bathing. LIVING!
LOL... I rarely sleep. So the 6 hrs are only for eating and bathing...
-_-I don't have time, else, I would have shaken you and started with the hypothetical song 'When You Don't Sleep...' Come on! Sleep is as vital for your brain as food is for your body. Be wise. Don't reduce your lifespan.
LOL... Its not that I don't sleep at all. I do sleep for about 3-4 hrs everyday but during the day...
i dont sleep more than 8 hours.if i do ,i feel like extending a day to 48 hours
8 hours is the recommended time period. BUT 8 hours of deep* sleep. Lah, I wish to sleep the whole year then.
yes i do have 8 hours of deep sleepbecause once i get up...nothing can make me sleep again LOL... also funny seeing we hv slept half our lives
I have trouble sleeping.. But once i fall asleep...i sleep alot I wish i was doing something interesting.. =/
Hey Lana, welcome. I know most teens do not like it. But it's true, drinking milk makes you fall asleep more easily. And for your second statement, you can post and talk to us.
Heyy.. Yea? I'll try it then My mum duznt give me milk cuz she thinks im too healthy already.. And i dont drink it anyway.. But with some choc syrup Maybe i'll do that
Ya, choc is better. Not coffee, it has the opposite effect. Oh sure do. You will find many topics dancing in the Chit Chat section.
Yes.. caffeine time to increase my post count.. I'm soo slow.. Even you've passed me
Ya... Hey, but some chocolates too have caffeine. Have to be careful. Oops, I wouldn't have noticed it if you had not told me. By the way, your rep decreased? It decreases with time? I noticed it...