Hello Evryone,
I'm currently doing my AL Biology and i just wanted to ask (as it is not too clear) about paper 5,
is it a laboratory paper or written or just both of them? and if it's a laboratory paper, is there anyway we could practice? any website? revision notes/material ?
i just needed some help ,
thanks in advance..
Paper 5 is a completely written paper...
Its based on your practical skills from AS and knowledge of tht....
For bio it mostly includes statistical questions...im sure you wud hav heard of the chi square test or the t-test by now...
you need to know the independent and dependent variables....
it needs no practical work...
they may give you a statement to prove..and you explain how you'd prove it with an detailed explanation + controlled variabled and potential hazards involved while performing it...
well thts basic info...
Hope it helped....