Author Topic: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment  (Read 17986 times)

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #45 on: December 22, 2009, 02:48:42 pm »
I was for capital punishment cause Nid was alone here... Someone needed to help her.  ;)

Girls are not merciless, LOL.  :P On the contrary.... :D

Can we shake hands? :) As far as I can understand, it was not your own wish to debate for Capital Punishment. How about you change your strand to Life Imprisonment? :) If you agree, this debate virtually ends here. 
« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 04:35:32 pm by $tyli$h Executive »


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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #46 on: December 23, 2009, 06:24:38 am »
Can we shake hands? :) As far as I can understand, it was not your own wish to debate for Capital Punishment. How about you change your strand to Life Imprisonment? :) If you agree, this debate virtually ends here.  

Sure, we can shake hands...  :)

But if I agree, the debate virtually ends, like you said.  ;)

My wish was to make a good debate, period here. Capital punishment or Life Imprisonment, any side you take, how you advocate is most important... I did tell you that in my mail...

I started with Capital Punishment, I'll continue to support the same cause... I can't drop my cause; I'll be loyal to it.
Maybe next time, we can be co-debaters.   :)

If only the others participated actively, would have been nice.

Thank you for your participation. Thank you Omer, I appreciate it.  :)

Hope you two will not give up.   ;)

I will be absent from this forum for the next 2 or 3 days because I will have to attend an award ceremony and possibly a few TV and Radio interviews.

~Alpha, dear, I read your latest reply against my post. At an initial glance, I think that your arguements and strands were weak, feeble and fragile. However, I have no time to argue to them now. But I'll do so when I come back. In the meanwhile, I would advise you to revise them and build up a solid foundation for them.


I missed this post...
Alright, I'll be waiting... for your 'strong' arguments. Let us see what you found...  :)
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 11:02:48 am by ~Alpha »

Offline O.T.13.

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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #47 on: December 23, 2009, 09:56:38 am »


"Stoop down to his level"... Ordinary citizens are not going to take an axe and behead him. The law will do the necessary. Punishment should be at the same level that the crime is. If the crime is below your nose, I don't find anything wrong if the law bows to give a similar punishment. If the crime is below your waist, still there is nothing wrong if the law kneels for the only sake of punishment. Similarly, if the crime goes beneath your knees, I don't find it demeaning for the law to even lie down if it has to give a punishment at the same level. THAT is justice. If the law "stoops down to his level", there is absolutely nothing belittling--- then only will there be a balance between crime and punishment.
Well now thats a value judgment, every one has his own  :) . I can understand how sometimes the family of the victims will be mad and enraged; will this be the case one year later? They lost this dear one (whoever he may be), nothing tangible is to be gained by killing the criminal. Some find that the sheer "serving of justice" is good enough, others think its not. For me personally, I believe the general rule is no, it ain't good enough. But thats not with each and every single case.

"When the sentence is over"? When what sentence is over? If capital punishment is banned, the longest sentence--- the worst punishment--- would be imprisonment lasting for a lifetime. The criminal is going to rot in jail TILL DEATH. So instead of spending resources to keep him alive till he dies, isn't it more cost efficient to give him death once and for all? He MAY repent. But even if he does, of what use will it be to the country? Who will even know whether he's repenting or not? "To prevent him"... Who is even going to prevent him? How is he going to be prevented? Do you think before committing his next crime, he's going to announce it publicly in the newspapers?  :P
Weeeeeell  ::)
Not all murders are "first-class" (not sure aobut the term) murderers. A lot of murders are "self-defensive" or "unintentional". They deserve punishment, but not the maximum, don't you agree  ::). And about the life-time ones, heres another way to look at it; death is an instant punishment, prison is not; death yields no tangible rewards not for the state nor the victim, prison can yield some sort of reward for the state (a lot of prisoners do some form of work while they're in jail), the victim

"Most probably it won't"? Most probably, it will. I've already explained the 4 elements necessary for a crime to occur: criminal, victim, opportunity, courage. Kindly refer.
yea i did, but I am saying that if you had a reason to kill and you killed, why would you kill again  ???

That becomes very easy then. A criminal kills and then goes on a "psycho-rampage". Instead of going to jail, he's sent to the mental hospital. Good strategy to avoid punishment.  :P
psycho hospitals are not exactly a walk thru the park now are they  :D

"Love, jealousy and revenge"... All of which are mere human whims. I will ask you the same question again: do you think "love", "jealousy", and "revenge" are reasons valid enough to take up somebody's life? If you think they are, then why are humans even bestowed with reasoning power? Everyone experiences these emotions in life, that's natural. So what? Do they keep killing people because of these emotions? Does the law keep ALL the criminals in jail? Is someone else can kill because of "love", "jealousy" and "revenge", then everybody else in this world population of 6 billion should have an equal right!  :P
Well thats what I am saying, sometimes love, jealousy, revenge; there will always be a moment, a "red zone" where a human will not be able to contain his emotions, when his brain is unable to discipline him; and ends up doing thing he normally wouldn't do, things he would regret the next day even if he wasn't punished.
"He's already accomplished his goal"... You mean he is never going to be a victim of "love", "jealousy" and "revenge" again? You really think so? Are we really living in such an ideal world? Once somebody has killed, to do so a second time is easier.
No, but whats the minumum life sentence do you get for killing, be it a "first-class" or a "third-class"? legal age is 18, lets assume you killed  and served your sentence as a "third-class" killer; how old will you be by then? How much of your youth would have been wasted? Won't all of this come to the criminal's mind before he thinks about killing again? Yea i know I talked about the "red-zone" but it is possible if you have the right kind of pressure to control it.

Yes, blood money...
Oh but I really don't think the criminal himself is going to pay that huge amount of blood money, especially to the relatives of the one he killed. Else he would be a fool to have murdered. If he does that, then you can refer him to your mental hospital.  :P :D

So, most probably, the burden will fall on the criminal's family and relatives. Now you tell me, in what way is it fair that all these INNOCENT persons pay for what ONE has done? Don't these persons, who have not wronged, have their own lives, their own expenses, their own financial limitations?
On top of that, we all know it very well: money CANNOT buy life.
lol yea, on some cases the criminal's family can chip on, but thats only after they are sure he is absolutely and completely broke. Its not gonna bring back the victim, but it provides a tangible aid to the family of the victim. And remember, the criminal's family is not obliged to do so, its up to them at the end of the day.

How effective can money and taking away years of a criminal's life be compared to the life of a dear one which has been robbed?
Right, thank you for elucidating it.
A robber pays back whatever he robs, he returns the SAME amount--- justice.
A company compensates for an employee's accident, SAME amount--- justice.
A criminal has to be killed for killing, SAME again--- justice.
I repeat, no amount of money in the whole world, absolutely NO AMOUNT can ever compensate or account for the loss of lives. This is what our MORAL law teaches, leaving aside the judiciary system.
You said it yourself, SAME amount, the compensation in the top two cases is enough to um, compensate (can't think of another word  :D ) for the loss. The compensation "undoes" the crime, is this the case with the third case? I never said that the money is enough compensation, but I do know that it gives a tangible gain for the family of the victim, killing the criminal does not give any tangible benefit to them

It is also the government's duty to diminish poverty. Has it done it effectively so far? It is also the government's duty to ensure peace and harmony in the world. But I can still see people fighting and dying in masses. Most countries claim to be democracies, should they then rely entirely on the government? Should 'free' nations that do not hesitate to raise a voice be wholly dependent on the government? A government does not make a nation. A nation makes a government.
Agreed on pretty much the entire paragraph  :)
True, a lot of governments are not doing what they are supposed to, but this is not a reason to raise the responsibility off it, actually we should press on them even more

"Worst" standard of living?
How true, poverty is a plague one must have endured personally to be able to have even the slightest notion of its torment.
Even if prison food is of the poorest quality in the world, at least, AT LEAST the prisoners DO HAVE SOMETHING to eat. Can you compare a prisoner with the innocent child who has not even had the chance to see a few grains of rice for days? To the people who have endured famine and slept on an empty stomach for the most part of their lives? To you, to me, to us fortunate ones, prison might be a hell, but for them, it's a rescue. For them, it's heaven on Earth.

Again agreed, and again government is the one to blame.

***You made a mistake while quoting there.***
oops, sorry  :-[

Oh, so what I can deduce here is a hidden form of slavery, which has been abolished a long time ago. If the prisoners are not allowed to make any profit, is it a productive investment for the country then? It's better to give these resources to others who are allowed to make a profit. Hence growth for the economy at large is assured.
Yes, I guess you can say it is synonymous with slavery. Sure the world is gonna go crazy "ooh no! slavery! tyrant! kill him!" but hey, slavery was something forced upon people who did not deserve it. My idea is more of a punishment, they practically "asked for it"

If they cannot buy capital, how will they even make business? Should the government every time spend from its budget to get them capital? If the security starts transporting goods, who will do THEIR job?

No, the government shouldnt get them capital either; the primary aim of this idea is to punish more than to raise the a country's GDP. Our great-great-great grandparents didn't have tractors now or harvesters now did they, but they still managed to farm.
Um, get extra security?
"Prisoners should never leave prison". Fine, then the cultivation and harvesting will be done inside prisons. Give dangerous tools like axes, hoes, forks, spades, etc, to a population of threatening criminals, the guards themselves would need security then!  :P
okay you got me there  :-X :D

Alright, I'm not saying that your project is absurd. But we have different categories of criminals in jails. The less dangerous ones can be part of your plan, leave the fatal ones to cemeteries.
Yay me!

Who said they will get out?  :P
look up  ;D

Well, I am unsure if there can be "types" of justice. Justice is a state of equality, fair treatment. Between two variables like crime and punishment, there can be ONLY ONE point of equilibrium. If "that is ONE type of justice", that is the ONLY type of justice.
Again, my failure to express my point properly; what i am trying to say is, justice, as "fair" as it is, is not necessarily always the "right" choice. best way I can express it (and i'm sure you're sick of me saying it agin and again) is the "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" thingy  :D

Punishments such as the ones you've mentioned have flaws:
- Hidden slavery, unproductive investment.
This is not the primary target, punishment is.
- If food from jail is cheap, farmers' businesses will be affected.
True, but as i mentioned somewhere earlier, if my plan is to be followed, then the "prisoner yield" is not supposed to be available for the public market. it could be given to chairty, like maybe for the poor or the orphans, or it could also be given to the farmers.
- Money cannot buy lives.
True, but killing the criminal will not get the lost life back either
- The "dear loss of age and finance" either cannot equal to the loss of lives.
Again, it is not equal, but it goes a long way
If you have life, you have everything. If you have everything but don't have life, you don't have anything at all.
Last part i agree, first part, nopes.
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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #48 on: December 23, 2009, 12:01:46 pm »

Thank you Omer, I appreciate it.  :)

Thank you for thanking me  :D
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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #49 on: December 23, 2009, 04:51:43 pm »
I'm back guys and dolls!!!

The programme went nice! I wish you all had seen it. I had to give a radio interview and two TV interviews were scheduled later!

Ohhhhhhhhhh! I'm so tired!!!

I don't have the energy to argue today!!! Just reached home at 11:30!!!

Goodbye for today!!!


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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #50 on: December 23, 2009, 07:13:41 pm »
Welcome back boiii!
okay cherio  :D
Nothing is worse than being surrounded by people and yet you still feel lonely

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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #51 on: December 24, 2009, 04:52:46 am »
You must also understand that the debating rules already exist. Did your experience not tell you that if you repeat it more than often, you give your opponents the impression that you think they are innately 'barbarous'? That's why I told you this...

Anyway, if you like writing it, it's your choice, none of my concern.

This one caught my eye first!!!

Alpha, Dear, it seems to me that you have got a negative mindset!!! See this post:

Yups, we should all keep that in mind; one of the nice things about the recent debates is all of em have been in a friendly full of    and   manner lol
lol i thought yourea new member until i saw your avatar

This reply was by OT13. See the difference between the two replies! I wrote something. OT13 interpreted it positively, stating that we all should keep this sentence ("No offence implied") in mind. And you thought that I am accusing everybody of being barbarious?!!!! Oh my Goodness!!! So much difference between positive and negative mindsets!!! I didn’t know this before!!!

Anyway, you must keep in mind that, again, not everybody thinks like you and me!!! Try interpreting everything positively, dear!!! And you will roll on perfectly!!!

Don't you think you are diverting from the topic a bit? I d id not develop my point in one sentence. So you should not argue based upon your conclusion after reading the first sentence. So, I would advise you to read the whole paragraph, carefully, think and then argue for your conclusions based on the WHOLE paragraph.

Crimes are products of our citizens. Criminals and victims are all citizens. The police, army, jailers, lawyers, and judges are also citizens. The law is formed by our citizens, for our citizens. The government plays a role in citizenship too. No, I don't think I am diverting from the topic. I did not develop my conclusion in the paragraph either. Leave alone sentences, every word you say makes a difference in a debate. If not to you, to me it does.

Don't you deny that dear!!! You said "As I read the first line itself ...." . This effectively proves that you have come to your conclusion after reading the first line and have not read the whole paragraph!!! Just to tell you a point, I usually develop an idea in a paragraph, be it in a debate or essay! So, please read the whole paragraph carefully, then come to conclusions, and argue upon the whole paragraph.

There are many reasons for which a criminal commits a crime. It is not necessarily limited to need, or any other simple thing. The point which you illustrated is your thinking. You must understand that not everybody thinks in a similar way. I would suggest you to consult a mental physician if you want to know more about why people commit crimes.

There may be thousands, billions of reasons, a crime is and remains a crime. Besides, I haven't stated any reason here. You must read properly. "Game" here refers to "crime", "killing". I haven't illustrated MY thinking. I used the first person to illustrate the basic reasoning of ANY rational individual. I would suggest you to read carefully.

You did illustrate your thinking, dear!!! The thing which you call 'rational' is your own thinking itself! The 'rational' thing is different for many people!

As an example, some of my friends become very sad and upset if their girlfriend leaves them for another boy!!! Seems like a nonsense idea to me, since it, strictly speaking, doesn't result in a personal loss or gain! She left a few days ago for India and will stay there for probably several years, and I didn't even care, except for saying goodbye!!! I don't even care if I get to see her again!!!

This idea seems 'rational' to me! However, when I tell this to a few of my 'heartbroken' romeo friends (as a consolation), they call me mad!!! I don’t have any emotions!!! And even says that I am not trustworthy!!! I am a betrayer!!! I am still a kid, though I am exactly six foot tall and weight 77 KGs!!!

It's left for you to decide, dear, which idea do you think is 'rational'?

Why do criminals try to escape from the police, then? There are many poor peoples in the world. Not everybody of them are criminals. Only a minority of them are. That is why I differentiated from LAW ABIDING AND LAW BREAKING CITIZENS!!!. Every poor people has needs, but only SOME OF THEM ARE COMMITING CRIMES!!! I think you should have understood this. Again, you must read my WHOLE paragraph and understand what I am trying to say, then argue.

So you accept it: criminals try to escape from the police. Point noted.
I never said every poor person is a criminal. I've used the word "trend" and a colon, meaning that I'm talking about those who follow this trend. You must pay attention to my words.  

"Some of them are committing crimes", in capital. So you agree with me again. Second point noted.
I've talked about poverty and crime and the relationship existing between these two in my previous arguments in response to Omer's. Kindly refer to the fifth quote.

Yes, you were right that I agreed to your points. Of course they are right! There is no way to argue with those!!!

In your fifth quote:

It is also the government's duty to diminish poverty. Has it done it effectively so far? It is also the government's duty to ensure peace and harmony in the world. But I can still see people fighting and dying in masses. Most countries claim to be democracies, should they then rely entirely on the government? Should 'free' nations that do not hesitate to raise a voice be wholly dependent on the government? A government does not make a nation. A nation makes a government.

"Worst" standard of living?
How true, poverty is a plague one must have endured personally to be able to have even the slightest notion of its torment.
Even if prison food is of the poorest quality in the world, at least, AT LEAST the prisoners DO HAVE SOMETHING to eat. Can you compare a prisoner with the innocent child who has not even had the chance to see a few grains of rice for days? To the people who have endured famine and slept on an empty stomach for the most part of their lives? To you, to me, to us fortunate ones, prison might be a hell, but for them, it's a rescue. For them, it's heaven on Earth.

However, I strongly disagree to this! God (Allah) will always make way for everybody's needs and wants! That is what I believe and I have full faith in him!!! A poor person who doesn't have anything to eat, will find a way to eat!!! He could do odd jobs, pull rickshaws or any other thing! If he WANTS to eat, and have a strong DESIRE to eat or achieve something, he WILL find a way!!! God (Allah) WILL show him the way!!!

A man or woman who commits crimes to 'remain in prison' is mentally handicapped. And all of the participants of this debate (maybe except you!) will agree with me.

Oh, how did you guess that! Even if everybody else comes to agree with you, I will still be the first, last and only one standing at the extreme side.  
How can you qualify people who are trying to fill up their stomachs even if that means they have to face most dire circumstances as "mentally handicapped"? Victims of pitiful conditions are "mentally handicapped"? Poverty-stricken people in search of a shelter are "mentally handicapped"? Did these people choose to be poor?

If you are unsure, please conduct a poll "Do people commit crimes to remain in prison?". In my previous point, I proved that poor peoples who have a DESIRE to do something do not commit crimes to 'remain in prison'. He will get his meal, anyhow. Please refer to that.

YOU are opposing YOURSELF!!! You said that Everybody are citizens of a country. Aren't criminals citizens too?

According to my theory, the serious offenders (like murderer, rapists or drug traffickers) will be KEPT BEHIND BARS! The cells will be supervised by honest police officers. The criminals won't get any chance to escape from the cells, regardless of how much they try. This will make our citizen's life safe for sure.

Yes, I said that and I know I said that. Criminals are citizens, I said it again in my first paragraph (and one more time here, makes it 4 times  ). So what? If they are citizens, does it mean they have the right to deprive others of their rights? And if they have committed crimes, which right of theirs departs them from punishment? "Honest police officers". These days, we have more corrupt ones. "KEPT BEHIND BARS", which is costly.

Of course, they don't have the right to deprive others of their rights!

In Mauritius, you don't have honest police officers? Neither do we in Bangladesh!!! But I have travelled to some countries, among which Malaysia and Singapore are there. The native people of those two country (especially Singapore) are so proud to have a perfect legal system and honest police officers!!! When I wrote, I assumed that the legal system of that country is perfect, and without any dishonest police officers!!! It may not, at present, apply to your or my country, but it will apply to, for example, Malaysia and Singapore!!! Corruption is an exceptional case!!!

I think you have a misconception/misunderstanding about the definition of life imprisonment. I would suggest you to look it up in wikipedia . In a debate, you should always know what exactly is your topic after all.

If I was unsure about the terminologies, I would not have done this debate at all.

Don't you deny that, dear!!! Your quote...

A world infested with such people does NOT make our citizens' lives "safe". Walking in the streets with the constant worry of being attacked is NOT what I call leading a "safe" life. Going out with little hope of returning back in one whole piece (LOL ) is NOT what I call leading a "safe" life. Maybe for you, "safe" has another meaning.  

... proves that you have misunderstandings about the definition of life imprisonment. Again, I repeat, the world will not be 'infested' with offenders if serious offenders like murderers or rapists are imprisoned for life!!! Again, I would suggest you to look it up in wikipedia: !!!

After reading this, I actually thought you are joking   . But you seem to be serious.

Well I have one advice for you: KISS not    , but KEEP IT SIMPLE and STRAIGHTFORWARD! Also THINK this way!

I was both joking and serious.

Very well, thanks. In return, I have one advice for you too: MISS not  , but MAKE IT SURE and SECURE. Also ACT this way.

I am sorry, dear, but that was a lame counter-attack!!! Your quote ....
If we are still living in a world where shame is greater than temptation, I would be on the seventh cloud! That would be so idealistic! BUT unfortunately, the IDeal has no ID. It is rated R- Restricted. R pushes ID out of the world we are living in. What is IDeal is not Real.

.... was too difficult for me to understand!!! So, I advised you this, dear!!! I do not understand, on what basis, are you advising me to MISS!!!

If you are confused about Opportunity costs, which I talked about earlier, you may wish to look it up too:

On a side note: Try to be creative and innovative. You cannot do something out-of-ordinary on the competitive plane. You must make your own creative and innovative ideas and execute them!!! If you try to copy someone's ideas exactly and do not make any modifications, you will enter the competitive plane and will barely get something or lose!!!

"The $28.4 billion State operating cost, divided by the U.S. resident population, resulted in a nationwide average operating expenditure of $100 per person.

States spent $29.5 billion for prisons in 2001, about a $5½ billion increase from 1996, after adjusting for inflation

* Prison operations consumed about 77% of State correctional costs in FY 2001. The remaining 23% was spent on juvenile justice, probation and parole, community-based corrections, and central office administration.

* State correctional expenditures increased 145% in 2001 constant dollars from $15.6 billion in FY 1986 to $38.2 billion in FY 2001; prison expenditures increased 150% from $11.7 billion to $29.5 billion.

* Excluding capital spending, the average cost of operating State prisons in FY 2001 was $100 per U.S. resident, up from $90 in FY 1996.

* Outlays for new prison construction, renovations, equipment, and other capital account activities amounted to less than 4% of total prison expenditures in most States.

* Spending on medical care for State prisoners totaled $3.3 billion, or 12% of operating expenditures in 2001.

Correctional authorities spent $38.2 billion to maintain the Nation’s State correctional systems in fiscal year 2001, including $29.5 billion specifically for adult correctional facilities. Day-to-day operating expenses totaled $28.4 billion, and capital outlays for land, new building, and renovations, 1.1 billion."

Source: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Special Report

How many times should I tell EVERYBODY that expenditures, on any field are considered as a PERCENTAGE OF GDP. Why don't anybody understand this?!!! I'm tired of making everybody realize this fact!!! Again, if I have 100 billion $s, I won't mind donating $200m to these prisoners, will I? This 28.4 billion $ represents only 0.205% of the whole US GDP!!!

P.S. While reading your arguments, I've had a closer look to mine. It looks like I'm shouting... Honestly, I had not taken notice of that while typing... I was tired, moody and in a hurry, I let that slip by...
Stylish Executive, I apologize again... I never meant to be offensive, even if I did seem... I don't want this debate to turn into a personal one.
Omer, I'm sincerely sorry if you've been victimized too.

If I was offended, I wouldn't have chatted with you today!!! I hope this 'offence' related matter ends here!!!

« Last Edit: December 24, 2009, 05:41:44 am by $tyli$h Executive »

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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #52 on: December 24, 2009, 05:40:08 am »

Thank you for your participation. Thank you Omer, I appreciate it.  :)

Thanks a lot!!!

This debate has reached its climax!!!


Offline O.T.13.

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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #53 on: December 24, 2009, 08:45:36 am »
Okay boys and girls,
would we please stick to the topic?
both of you said you ain't offended, would we please leave it at that point?
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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #54 on: December 24, 2009, 09:00:05 am »
Hey, I just counteracted her points in her previous reply!

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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #55 on: December 24, 2009, 09:02:46 am »
Okay, lets just leave it at that
Nothing is worse than being surrounded by people and yet you still feel lonely


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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #56 on: December 25, 2009, 01:24:11 pm »
I have much to read...

Join in few days...

After am not busy, lol...

Keep going...;)

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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #57 on: December 25, 2009, 03:46:36 pm »
I have much to read...

Join in few days...

After am not busy, lol...

Keep going...;)

Looking back at my post, dear, I think I may have been a bit harsh. I sincerely apologize for that.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2009, 03:55:42 pm by $tyli$h Executive »


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Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #58 on: January 01, 2010, 02:04:48 pm »

Well now thats a value judgment, every one has his own   :). I can understand how sometimes the family of the victims will be mad and enraged; will this be the case one year later? They lost this dear one (whoever he may be), nothing tangible is to be gained by killing the criminal. Some find that the sheer "serving of justice" is good enough, others think its not. For me personally, I believe the general rule is no, it ain't good enough. But thats not with each and every single case.

I agree it's a value judgement. For me, killing someone does not only affect one life but a whole family and innocent children who find their lives take an abrupt bend. Yours is a value judgement too. But I wouldn't go to the extent of saying that my value judgement is the general one. People have the right to think whatever they want to. Some voice out their need for equality, like I did, some want to be more lenient, like you. But the rest of the world does not really care--- we cannot generalize. That's why the law is here to make its own judgement, taking into account the human rights, of course.

Weeeeeell   ::)
Not all murders are "first-class" (not sure aobut the term) murderers. A lot of murders are "self-defensive" or "unintentional". They deserve punishment, but not the maximum, don't you agree   ::). And about the life-time ones, heres another way to look at it; death is an instant punishment, prison is not; death yields no tangible rewards not for the state nor the victim, prison can yield some sort of reward for the state (a lot of prisoners do some form of work while they're in jail), the victim

Defence attacks, as I said earlier, are given special treatment. People who commit crimes unknowingly also are special cases. Every case is not a special case. Here, I am talking about cold-blooded criminals, those who do not think twice before putting a full and final ban on someone's life. We also have contract killers or serial killers, who have killed several times, and the irony is that their killing activities continue even if they are kept confined in jails.

Death is an instant punishment--- the law is once and for all rid of the dangerous criminals. Prison is not--- this is a cause of 'worry' for the law and the nation: prisoners have to be kept alive, they have to be given food, they can always escape, our peoples (nations) will always live in fear and uncertainty. Again, there are MANY prisoners in jail. Capital punishment does not mean you kill each and every person who breaks the law. Capital punishment is for the high rated criminals ONLY. By the way, the victim is already dead, HOW would he yield any reward?

Because human wants and desires are insatiable--- no power on Earth can put an end to that. That's why I believe the best thing to do is to send that person OUT of this world, to permanently end the person's (who has desires harmful to the world) life, and ultimately, those harmful desires. If money is the reason, who would not want more money? If emotions like "love", "jealousy" and "revenge" lead to the crime, what is the guarantee that they will not lead to other crimes? Open both your eyes, do we lack reasons in this world?  ;)

psycho hospitals are not exactly a walk thru the park now are they   :D

They are neither a permanent booking to the cemetry now, are they?  :D

Well thats what I am saying, sometimes love, jealousy, revenge; there will always be a moment, a "red zone" where a human will not be able to contain his emotions, when his brain is unable to discipline him; and ends up doing thing he normally wouldn't do, things he would regret the next day even if he wasn't punished.

Sorry, a moment? This "red zone" comes only once in a person's lifetime? Let's say it does, and is uncontrollable. Still, is it a reason to kill? We have a world pop. of 6 billion people. If everyone of us moves on this hypothesis, we'll soon be having a world pop. of nil.  :P

Humans by nature get angry at different things, different occasions. If someone is momentarily unable to control his emotions, then that's HIS problem. Why should someone else pay his life for it? I don't find it reasonable that LIFE is a price to pay for incapability to control emotions, esp. when an innocent pays for it.

No, but whats the minumum life sentence do you get for killing, be it a "first-class" or a "third-class"? legal age is 18, lets assume you killed  and served your sentence as a "third-class" killer; how old will you be by then? How much of your youth would have been wasted? Won't all of this come to the criminal's mind before he thinks about killing again? Yea i know I talked about the "red-zone" but it is possible if you have the right kind of pressure to control it.

Nid mentioned an argument about a politician. People like these would not think about the part of their life which would have been wasted should they commit crimes. For them, to get a bail is very easy. Fine, for others, all of what you said will come to their minds before they think about killing a second time. But the death penalty would come to their minds before they think about killing for the FIRST time. There is a difference between a first time and a second time in our arguments: I want to save the first victim too.

lol yea, on some cases the criminal's family can chip on, but thats only after they are sure he is absolutely and completely broke. Its not gonna bring back the victim, but it provides a tangible aid to the family of the victim. And remember, the criminal's family is not obliged to do so, its up to them at the end of the day.

If the criminal's family is not obliged to compensate, it is very unlikely that they will give out so much money.
Loss of life v/s Loss of years of life
I am repeatedly talking about the "loss of life" of the victim, and its impact on his family, esp. children, if ever there are. Do not take "loss of life" to be mere words. Visualize them, try to dig for the meaning of my words in real life situations. You should find that the cost is equal to infinity.

You said it yourself, SAME amount, the compensation in the top two cases is enough to um, compensate (can't think of another word   :D) for the loss. The compensation "undoes" the crime, is this the case with the third case? I never said that the money is enough compensation, but I do know that it gives a tangible gain for the family of the victim, killing the criminal does not give any tangible benefit to them

"Account" can be a good synonym. :D
Oh sorry, value can be the same, but no compensation "undoes" any crime. Money does not bring back a hand cut during an accident at work. Money just avoids complicated legal procedures that are usually cost inefficient. Money avoids the business from being sued. It avoids reputation damage. At the bottom line, money tells the victim to "SHUT UP".  :P

This "tangible gain" for the family, which happens rarely, is NOT equal to what the family has lost: a member. While killing the criminal might have prevented this loss in the first place. Again here, money is being used as a medium to hide what is being told to the victim's family: "SHUT UP". Money is the barrier obstructing their search for justice.

Agreed on pretty much the entire paragraph   :)
True, a lot of governments are not doing what they are supposed to, but this is not a reason to raise the responsibility off it, actually we should press on them even more

"A govt. does not make a nation. A nation makes a govt."
I can't find better words to explain what I mean...;) A govt. solely cannot make a big difference.

Yes, I guess you can say it is synonymous with slavery. Sure the world is gonna go crazy "ooh no! slavery! tyrant! kill him!" but hey, slavery was something forced upon people who did not deserve it. My idea is more of a punishment, they practically "asked for it"
No, the government shouldnt get them capital either; the primary aim of this idea is to punish more than to raise the a country's GDP. Our great-great-great grandparents didn't have tractors now or harvesters now did they, but they still managed to farm.

Your idea must differentiate between high rated criminals and petty ones.

Um, get extra security?

For whom? The criminals? Or the guards? :D

Again, my failure to express my point properly; what i am trying to say is, justice, as "fair" as it is, is not necessarily always the "right" choice. best way I can express it (and i'm sure you're sick of me saying it agin and again) is the "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" thingy   :D

I understood what you mean... But justice has to be fair, that's why the law is represented as a blindfolded dummy.

This is not the primary target, punishment is.

My target is punishment too.

True, but as i mentioned somewhere earlier, if my plan is to be followed, then the "prisoner yield" is not supposed to be available for the public market. it could be given to chairty, like maybe for the poor or the orphans, or it could also be given to the farmers.

As I also mentioned earlier, your project must diff. between the high rated and low rated criminals.

True, but killing the criminal will not get the lost life back either

Nor will any compensation.

Again, it is not equal, but it goes a long way

While the way representing the loss of life goes till infinity...

Last part i agree, first part, nopes.

LOL, that was a bit too much of philosophy on my part.  ;D
Anyway, my first part meant:
Life is everything in life. "Everything" goes far beyond material possessions, relations and emotions. "Everything" cannot be described in words, just like "life" cannot be.  :)


  • Guest
Re: Death Penalty Vs Life imprisonment
« Reply #59 on: January 01, 2010, 02:51:33 pm »

This one caught my eye first!!!

Alpha, Dear, it seems to me that you have got a negative mindset!!! See this post:

Yups, we should all keep that in mind; one of the nice things about the recent debates is all of em have been in a friendly full of    and   manner lol
lol i thought yourea new member until i saw your avatar

This reply was by OT13. See the difference between the two replies! I wrote something. OT13 interpreted it positively, stating that we all should keep this sentence ("No offence implied") in mind. And you thought that I am accusing everybody of being barbarious?!!!! Oh my Goodness!!! So much difference between positive and negative mindsets!!! I didn’t know this before!!!

Anyway, you must keep in mind that, again, not everybody thinks like you and me!!! Try interpreting everything positively, dear!!! And you will roll on perfectly!!!

Primo, it's not in my habits to dictate what others should be thinking about me. Everybody has freedom of opinion. I respect it. Their freedom does not affect my stay in this world.

Secondo, a book is not judged by its cover. I find your comparison childish (no offence), leave it to the kids. Our age group is moving to maturity.

And tertio, this debate is not on "Alpha's mindset", nobody knows better what is in my mind. We are talking about "capital punishment and life imprisonment".

Don't you deny that dear!!! You said "As I read the first line itself ...." . This effectively proves that you have come to your conclusion after reading the first line and have not read the whole paragraph!!! Just to tell you a point, I usually develop an idea in a paragraph, be it in a debate or essay! So, please read the whole paragraph carefully, then come to conclusions, and argue upon the whole paragraph.

"As I read your first line itself, I got surprised." I did not jump to my conclusion, else I would have stopped there itself. You've not taken into consideration the main part of my sentence. That's why I said: "MISS not".

You did illustrate your thinking, dear!!! The thing which you call 'rational' is your own thinking itself! The 'rational' thing is different for many people!

Between choosing to commit a crime and take the risk, and commit no crime and take no risk, I don't think that there should be any unclear reasons to justify the 'rational' here. I don't think that my 'rational' will be different from the majority.

As an example, some of my friends become very sad and upset if their girlfriend leaves them for another boy!!! Seems like a nonsense idea to me, since it, strictly speaking, doesn't result in a personal loss or gain! She left a few days ago for India and will stay there for probably several years, and I didn't even care, except for saying goodbye!!! I don't even care if I get to see her again!!!

This idea seems 'rational' to me! However, when I tell this to a few of my 'heartbroken' romeo friends (as a consolation), they call me mad!!! I don’t have any emotions!!! And even says that I am not trustworthy!!! I am a betrayer!!! I am still a kid, though I am exactly six foot tall and weight 77 KGs!!!

It's left for you to decide, dear, which idea do you think is 'rational'?

To me, both are not. Dwelling in the past does not help to solve problems. But love is not a trial and error process either. To consider yourself mature enough to venture into it when actually you are not is not the
first sign of maturity.
However, I strongly disagree to this! God (Allah) will always make way for everybody's needs and wants! That is what I believe and I have full faith in him!!! A poor person who doesn't have anything to eat, will find a way to eat!!! He could do odd jobs, pull rickshaws or any other thing! If he WANTS to eat, and have a strong DESIRE to eat or achieve something, he WILL find a way!!! God (Allah) WILL show him the way!!!

If he could, he would. By the way, we are not supposed to be discussing about faith. I am, you are, but every one is not a Muslim. Try to find a more valid argument.

If you are unsure, please conduct a poll "Do people commit crimes to remain in prison?". In my previous point, I proved that poor peoples who have a DESIRE to do something do not commit crimes to 'remain in prison'. He will get his meal, anyhow. Please refer to that.

Do all*** people commit crimes to remain in prison?
Again, do not miss parts of my arguments...

Of course, they don't have the right to deprive others of their rights!

In Mauritius, you don't have honest police officers? Neither do we in Bangladesh!!! But I have travelled to some countries, among which Malaysia and Singapore are there. The native people of those two country (especially Singapore) are so proud to have a perfect legal system and honest police officers!!! When I wrote, I assumed that the legal system of that country is perfect, and without any dishonest police officers!!! It may not, at present, apply to your or my country, but it will apply to, for example, Malaysia and Singapore!!! Corruption is an exceptional case!!!

Every country is not 'perfect', news.

Don't you deny that, dear!!! Your quote...

A world infested with such people does NOT make our citizens' lives "safe". Walking in the streets with the constant worry of being attacked is NOT what I call leading a "safe" life. Going out with little hope of returning back in one whole piece (LOL ) is NOT what I call leading a "safe" life. Maybe for you, "safe" has another meaning. 

... proves that you have misunderstandings about the definition of life imprisonment. Again, I repeat, the world will not be 'infested' with offenders if serious offenders like murderers or rapists are imprisoned for life!!! Again, I would suggest you to look it up in wikipedia: !!!

Not all of them are imprisoned for life... Not all. It depends more on the judicial system of the country than on wikipedia.

I am sorry, dear, but that was a lame counter-attack!!! Your quote ....
If we are still living in a world where shame is greater than temptation, I would be on the seventh cloud! That would be so idealistic! BUT unfortunately, the IDeal has no ID. It is rated R- Restricted. R pushes ID out of the world we are living in. What is IDeal is not Real.

.... was too difficult for me to understand!!! So, I advised you this, dear!!! I do not understand, on what basis, are you advising me to MISS!!!

And look who's going to ask for creativity below...
Okay, I'll make it clear. It was just a lil bit of Maths. ;)
IDeal, no ID, remove ID, remains "eal".
R pushes ID, now add R, to get "Real".
It was only to add something new to the debate...
The ideal and the real do not coexist, in general terms.
On a side note: Try to be creative and innovative. You cannot do something out-of-ordinary on the competitive plane. You must make your own creative and innovative ideas and execute them!!! If you try to copy someone's ideas exactly and do not make any modifications, you will enter the competitive plane and will barely get something or lose!!!

Well, I tried to be 'creative'... And you saw how well it worked. I don't understand what more I can do if my opponent does not understand what a "Tit for Tat" is.

How many times should I tell EVERYBODY that expenditures, on any field are considered as a PERCENTAGE OF GDP. Why don't anybody understand this?!!! I'm tired of making everybody realize this fact!!! Again, if I have 100 billion $s, I won't mind donating $200m to these prisoners, will I? This 28.4 billion $ represents only 0.205% of the whole US GDP!!!

Why don't you understand the diff. between a percentage and a sum? It seems to me that you have not read what I quoted. You are basing your % fig. on America's GDP, a highly developed country. 10% of $ 100 is $ 10. While 10% of $ 1 000 000 is $ 100 000. Percentage is the same, but with a VAST difference in amount.

This is a value judgement, your rational.

Looking back at my post, dear, I think I may have been a bit harsh. I sincerely apologize for that.

No worries. :)
Life is too short... If we keep minding everything, we will never have time to appreciate anything.
Go on, you are good.

P.S. I haven't given up... Was just taken up these past few days.  ::) My apologies for the delay.