Author Topic: What is your idea about DEATH?  (Read 25583 times)

Offline MaNi_DaDuDe

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #75 on: November 21, 2009, 11:48:42 pm »

wow...ur really good at this u know:)

She really is! :)

Keep it uP, Alpha. (Y)

Offline O.T.13.

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #76 on: November 22, 2009, 12:01:34 pm »
Good to see another big mouth in the forums :P
so yea, 6 pages, aint gonna read all of em, so yea....

well death death death

okay, death for family/friends
death of others is worse than your own death since you dont actually have to go throw the aftermath. i try to not get close to anyone, friend nor family, yea fine i do have a good time with my friends, and good time with family (okay i gota couple of cousins that are all ryte, but the rest just gives me a headache, especially dem oldies). When it comes to life death and misery, my motto is simple "MARCH ON" . Will i be sad if my friends moved away from me? nah, not really, and even if i did i know it wont last for more than a few hours. Will i be sad if they die? most probably yea i will, but hey, i wasnt ever that close to much ppl (only time i had a real "best friend" was grades 4 and 5, and then he moved away), so you wont exactly be the one in a mess and cant keep those waterworks in. I'm a Muslim, and accepting Fate is one of the Pillars of Faith.

now my own death,
Honestly speakin, only thing i'm worried about is whether i have done enough good deeds to go to Heavens or not, but then again, will i EVER be satisfied? ill always be doing my best to do more and more and hope i will go to higher Heavens. So yea, tbh, i am not too worried about death, even if i die this instance. Don't I have hopes and dreams and aspirations? why yes yes i do, but hey, i've been through enough disappointments already, and i just know that it is highly unlikely that i will live "happily ever after". Success and happness require quote a lot of good luck, I don't have anywhere near enough of that. If I live, ill do my best to achieve the happiness and success that i aim for, if I don't live, then so be it.
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Offline O.T.13.

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #77 on: November 22, 2009, 12:23:25 pm »

Lemme tell you...I am NOT waiting 4 death...i hav been in 2 car crashes (tho nobody was seriously hurt) dad had an accident on his bike(again not much damage) ..and hav also seen my grand dads corpse...
And i dont really care what others think of me...dead or alive...its my life...when i die..its me whose dying..not them...
Good deeds??? Life is not bout just collecting deeds...its bout living your dreams...whatsoever they may be...not just 4 d sake tht wen u die u'll be remembered 4 them...ofcourse i wanna be remembered but only because i did what i loved..and not for impressing others...

And ur wait death strts d day u're born...Nobody's wishing to die here...

And sorry if it seems like an argument..but i will not hav u dismissing any person's opinions as 'stupid'..mine or whose ever...


fun...yes but d landing wud b terrilble...i say im not scared of death but i am afraid of pain...
And what u suggested is more like
im scared tht aftr sumthin like dat i'd be alive 4 10-15 sec ...and d pain thn wud be unbearable.. :(

agreed..... again  ;D

Ah yes... Not fools...LOL.... Respect before you are respected; love before you ask for it; suffer before you cause suffering; KILL BEFORE YOU DIE!!!  :D :D :D :D


Humans are curious animals... ALL humans are!  ;) ;) ;) So naturally, they all will be curious about the process of child bearing... :P :P :P

Hey... But you're not gonna deprive unborn children of the right to live......cause we do not have enough place for them... :P

Do you force people out of a bus because it will always be full?? Everyone gets down at his/her own bus stop... And new people jump in... :P
damn am agreeing to too many things :P

and am done, damn that took a lot of time, reading all of the previous posts  :D

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Offline Tumble Bug

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #78 on: November 22, 2009, 12:37:47 pm »
Good to see another big mouth in the forums :P
so yea, 6 pages, aint gonna read all of em, so yea....

well death death death

okay, death for family/friends
death of others is worse than your own death since you dont actually have to go throw the aftermath. i try to not get close to anyone, friend nor family, yea fine i do have a good time with my friends, and good time with family (okay i gota couple of cousins that are all ryte, but the rest just gives me a headache, especially dem oldies). When it comes to life death and misery, my motto is simple "MARCH ON" . Will i be sad if my friends moved away from me? nah, not really, and even if i did i know it wont last for more than a few hours. Will i be sad if they die? most probably yea i will, but hey, i wasnt ever that close to much ppl (only time i had a real "best friend" was grades 4 and 5, and then he moved away), so you wont exactly be the one in a mess and cant keep those waterworks in. I'm a Muslim, and accepting Fate is one of the Pillars of Faith.

now my own death,
Honestly speakin, only thing i'm worried about is whether i have done enough good deeds to go to Heavens or not, but then again, will i EVER be satisfied? ill always be doing my best to do more and more and hope i will go to higher Heavens. So yea, tbh, i am not too worried about death, even if i die this instance. Don't I have hopes and dreams and aspirations? why yes yes i do, but hey, i've been through enough disappointments already, and i just know that it is highly unlikely that i will live "happily ever after". Success and happness require quote a lot of good luck, I don't have anywhere near enough of that. If I live, ill do my best to achieve the happiness and success that i aim for, if I don't live, then so be it.

waow @ your own death thing...i agree!!

but this dude is easier said then done: * i try to not get close to anyone, friend nor family* 

*When it comes to life death and misery, my motto is simple "MARCH ON"*

u'll be surprised at your own waterworks..this is not sumthing u can control...feelings and emotions..THEY control us....

Offline O.T.13.

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #79 on: November 22, 2009, 12:47:00 pm »
waow @ your own death thing...i agree!!

but this dude is easier said then done: * i try to not get close to anyone, friend nor family* 

*When it comes to life death and misery, my motto is simple "MARCH ON"*

u'll be surprised at your own waterworks..this is not sumthing u can control...feelings and emotions..THEY control us....

well i already lived through 4 deaths, a friend an aunt and 2 school staff (whom i used to get along with pretty well), and i have a brother who died a short while before i was born. Took me some time to get over my friend, but my aunt was old, she was a very loving person, but considering her age, it wasn't much of a shock for me. The teachers' deaths shocked me big time, but again, i was down for around 2 weeks and then i was back to normal.
Marching on is hard, but as i said, when you get so much disappointments (not talking bout death, but when ppl let you down or when false promises are given), i get this sour taste in my mouth and i just try to isolate myself from everyone else, and it works for most of the time.
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Offline Tumble Bug

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #80 on: November 22, 2009, 01:02:58 pm »
well i already lived through 4 deaths, a friend an aunt and 2 school staff (whom i used to get along with pretty well), and i have a brother who died a short while before i was born. Took me some time to get over my friend, but my aunt was old, she was a very loving person, but considering her age, it wasn't much of a shock for me. The teachers' deaths shocked me big time, but again, i was down for around 2 weeks and then i was back to normal.
Marching on is hard, but as i said, when you get so much disappointments (not talking bout death, but when ppl let you down or when false promises are given), i get this sour taste in my mouth and i just try to isolate myself from everyone else, and it works for most of the time.

m sawry for what u've bin through...*hugs*

i dont know what to say... but dude..this aint the solution!! * i just try to isolate myself from everyone else, and it works for most of the time.

Offline O.T.13.

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #81 on: November 22, 2009, 03:58:10 pm »

m sawry for what u've bin through...*hugs*

i dont know what to say... but dude..this aint the solution!! * i just try to isolate myself from everyone else, and it works for most of the time.

well thanks  :)
and thats the best solution i could come up with, any other suggestions?
Nothing is worse than being surrounded by people and yet you still feel lonely

Offline Lana Wolf

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #82 on: November 22, 2009, 06:37:04 pm »
well thanks  :)
and thats the best solution i could come up with, any other suggestions?

You shouldn't isolate yourself from others...thts not the solution to anything...
if you wer my cousin i'd think, 'hey we used to hang out so much, have fun and now he's not cared bout whether im dead or alive..'
You gotta understand tht everyone's gonna die one day... u me everyone...Accept the fact and live...i know its difficult...and im really sorry for all tht u've faced...hell ive only been thru one death and it feels like d end of d world...
And i think tht d gr8est respect you can give sum1 is to remember dem 4ever...evn wen they're no more...
I'm having trouble understnding how you cnt get close 2 any person aftr dat 5th grade frnd.. :o :o
I know death is the worst thing tht anyone wud wnt 4 sum1 they love..but it is inevitable...
I also know tht everyday i think of grandad once and try to wish him bk..and my eyes are clouding wid tears as i write this...but no matter...i never wished i had stayed away frm him to prevent hurt now...i only wish tht somehow i cudve spent more tym wid him... and tried to relish every moment of his stay on earth...

All im trying to say is dont do something that u'll regret l8r...
Enjoy love and frndship while its with you...dont let it lose you...

On a more serious not enforcing my views on you...just stating what i feel....

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #83 on: November 22, 2009, 07:00:01 pm »

I am blinded by the amount of stuff you guys typed.. i hate reading alot... I only read the first page and there are 6 ...

Death is scary ...but... we all have to face it alone , even though you may feel unprepared or do not want to be separated from ones family.. its a process i quess.. it will catch up eventually right..
Allâhumma innî a‘ûdhu bika min al-hammi wa al-hazan. Wa a‘ûdhu bika min al-‘ajzi wa al-kasal.

Wa a‘ûdhu bika min al-jubni wa al-bukhl. Wa a‘ûdhu bika min ghalabat id-dayni wa qahr ir-rijal.

{Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and grief, from helplessness and laziness, from cowardice an

Offline Lana Wolf

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #84 on: November 22, 2009, 07:06:11 pm »

I am blinded by the amount of stuff you guys typed.. i hate reading alot... I only read the first page and there are 6 ...

Death is scary ...but... we all have to face it alone , even though you may feel unprepared or do not want to be separated from ones family.. its a process i quess.. it will catch up eventually right..

Alone...? not necessarily for everyone... :-\ process..true...

Offline O.T.13.

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #85 on: November 22, 2009, 07:50:47 pm »
You shouldn't isolate yourself from others...thts not the solution to anything...
if you wer my cousin i'd think, 'hey we used to hang out so much, have fun and now he's not cared bout whether im dead or alive..'
You gotta understand tht everyone's gonna die one day... u me everyone...Accept the fact and live...i know its difficult...and im really sorry for all tht u've faced...hell ive only been thru one death and it feels like d end of d world...
And i think tht d gr8est respect you can give sum1 is to remember dem 4ever...evn wen they're no more...
I'm having trouble understnding how you cnt get close 2 any person aftr dat 5th grade frnd.. :o :o
I know death is the worst thing tht anyone wud wnt 4 sum1 they love..but it is inevitable...
I also know tht everyday i think of grandad once and try to wish him bk..and my eyes are clouding wid tears as i write this...but no matter...i never wished i had stayed away frm him to prevent hurt now...i only wish tht somehow i cudve spent more tym wid him... and tried to relish every moment of his stay on earth...

All im trying to say is dont do something that u'll regret l8r...
Enjoy love and frndship while its with you...dont let it lose you...

On a more serious not enforcing my views on you...just stating what i feel....

Hello there teju,
yea no worries, didn't see any aggression in your reply  :)
well the cousins I don't have that much over in Saudi, the two particular ones that I feel close to are in Sudan, and thats the only time we spend together, so yea, thats something inevitable, and i'm sure they won't be "blaming" me for being in different continents; no sure if I made it clear or not, but what I was tryna say is that these two are the only ones that I feel like I will suffer shall anything happen to them. The cousins which live in here, well I'd rather remain isolated than live with them, they're either too extreme or just plain lame.
*And i think tht d gr8est respect you can give sum1 is to remember dem 4ever...evn wen they're no more...*
I do remember some of them sometimes, esp my friend and aunt, but it just leaves me with a sour feeling, and, honestly, I've got enough misery on hand, whether its annoying friends who don't realise it when they've gone too far or school/uni pressure or parents (which is the worst); so yea, I got enough misery on hand, I don't need to recall that I lost people whom I loved.
About the best friend thing, yea well I'm having trouble believing that too  :-\ ; its kinda complicated, but ever since then, I have not found a single friend who was loyal to me, and for me, loyalty is the single most important element of establishing close friends. That, combined with too many suspicions and backstabbing, made me isolate myself from anyone. Yea, I got my "pals" but these are not people I trust, not people who would miss me when I move away nor would I miss them, they're just people I spent my time with.

So yea anyways, you said it yourself, its painful when you think back about dead people if you've loved them. I ain't sayin don't have fun with them, I'm just saying don't get attached too attached to them, and spare yourself the pain you would have been bound to endure
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Offline Lana Wolf

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #86 on: November 22, 2009, 07:55:24 pm »
Hello there teju,
yea no worries, didn't see any aggression in your reply  :)
well the cousins I don't have that much over in Saudi, the two particular ones that I feel close to are in Sudan, and thats the only time we spend together, so yea, thats something inevitable, and i'm sure they won't be "blaming" me for being in different continents; no sure if I made it clear or not, but what I was tryna say is that these two are the only ones that I feel like I will suffer shall anything happen to them. The cousins which live in here, well I'd rather remain isolated than live with them, they're either too extreme or just plain lame.
*And i think tht d gr8est respect you can give sum1 is to remember dem 4ever...evn wen they're no more...*
I do remember some of them sometimes, esp my friend and aunt, but it just leaves me with a sour feeling, and, honestly, I've got enough misery on hand, whether its annoying friends who don't realise it when they've gone too far or school/uni pressure or parents (which is the worst); so yea, I got enough misery on hand, I don't need to recall that I lost people whom I loved.
About the best friend thing, yea well I'm having trouble believing that too  :-\ ; its kinda complicated, but ever since then, I have not found a single friend who was loyal to me, and for me, loyalty is the single most important element of establishing close friends. That, combined with too many suspicions and backstabbing, made me isolate myself from anyone. Yea, I got my "pals" but these are not people I trust, not people who would miss me when I move away nor would I miss them, they're just people I spent my time with.

So yea anyways, you said it yourself, its painful when you think back about dead people if you've loved them. I ain't sayin don't have fun with them, I'm just saying don't get attached too attached to them, and spare yourself the pain you would have been bound to endure

i know i wasnt aggressive...only said tht if u felt i was interfering too much...
well i guess we have differnt views here...
well i wish u luck wid finding good(loyal) frnds.. :)

And this topic has gotten too depressive ;D ;D
lol...whts ur idea bout a fav character in a buk or movie dying..? (only to lighten d mood).. ;) ;)  ;D ;D

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #87 on: November 22, 2009, 07:59:58 pm »
i know i wasnt aggressive...only said tht if u felt i was interfering too much...
well i guess we have differnt views here...
well i wish u luck wid finding good(loyal) frnds.. :)

And this topic has gotten too depressive ;D ;D
lol...whts ur idea bout a fav character in a buk or movie dying..? (only to lighten d mood).. ;) ;)  ;D ;D

yea sure i was just abut to suggest that
idea about the character dying.... hmmmmmmm. in their lover's arms? :P
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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #88 on: November 22, 2009, 08:02:30 pm »
yea sure i was just abut to suggest that
idea about the character dying.... hmmmmmmm. in their lover's arms? :P

i never like a good character dying...
i remember harry from spiderman 3...james franco...didnt want him to die...   :(

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Re: What is your idea about DEATH?
« Reply #89 on: November 22, 2009, 08:55:24 pm »
i never like a good character dying...
i remember harry from spiderman 3...james franco...didnt want him to die...   :(

the one character that i was really upset bout his death was Sirious Black in Harry Potter 5
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