I don't think Kc ques wil b there as 2copies of Kc question came in m/j '09 paper 21 & 22 (ie. 1st & 2nd variants
Oh By the way.....Is there going to be 2 variants of paper 2 this time too??? Exam timetable jus shows paper 22 for chemistry no paper 21.... 
Do u guys think they repeat topics in 2 sessions of same year?? maybe theres a pattern from other pastpapers of 2008 or 2007
i dunno about d probability of it cming...just tht its imp...my chem teacher tld me so...anyways with AS im not leaving anything cuz i think d papers are really unpredictable....Kc isnt tht big a topic...so mayb a small quest cud also come...i dunno ..im jez guessin aftr all...
i think variants are goin 2 b der..i heard my school principal toking bout them....
i tried my best to find patterns...lol... :(no such luck...