Son rise the miracle of love? Sounds like 'send me your money and i will solve all your problems' but i will look at the website anyway.
astar, its not a joke =l
You dont need to send anyone money, the parent has to apply it to the Autistic child, there is no medicene taking, or there weird treatments..
"Son-rise, The miracle of love" is actually a movie based on on real life, and the family that is in the movie had found a cure for their Autistic son, and he was a severe case. Then they publicided it, but the doctor didnt accept it, obviously becasue doctors think they're so great and any other treatment besides gving a human medicine, or an operation doesnt work, anyways, this mehod that this family used has help so many children out there, I tell you, they are so grateful, alh
i'll post a few links here actually