Author Topic: How can i get some free hours in CAS (my dad can get some1 to sign the papers...  (Read 3663 times)

Offline s-j-123

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without me actually giving my time to help.

I no it sounds bad but LOTS of people do it atleast a bit.. plus its not like itll benfit me in any way

so wat do i write on the papers and stuff


Offline MaNa

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what ever u do u get a paper u have to write ur GOAL for the activity ue gona do..
n then later tell whether u chieved ur goal
n if so to what extend
u also right ur reasont o do certaina ctivity
a personal advice do the paper work ON TIME ;)
All ur dreams are made,when you're changed to a mirror and the razor blade!!!

Offline jfdiaz93

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I guess you can check my CAS Diary blog for examples on how to write your entries! the link is: