The image shows what appears to be a black and white checker-board with a green cylinder resting on it that casts a shadow diagonally across the middle of the board. The black and white squares are actually different shades of gray. The image has been constructed so that “white” squares in the shadow, one of which is labeled “B,” are actually the exact same gray value as “black” squares outside the shadow, one of which is labeled “A.” The two squares A and B appear very different as a result of the illusion.
Read this once.
Its hard to understand and believe. (Actually the Square Labeled A and B are of the same colour [u will be like "wtf, he is fooling me"])
Now open this in paint.
1)Zoom in 8X
2)Use the pick colour tool, move it over block A, and pick the colour of Block A.
3)Now use the a brush to paint that colour on block B and u will notice, that they r the same