Author Topic: Looking for aeronautical/aerospace engineering websites  (Read 1958 times)

Offline SGVaibhav

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Looking for aeronautical/aerospace engineering websites
« on: October 08, 2009, 02:52:41 pm »
Currently, there is a glider making competition in my college.
We just have to use our knowledge of aerodynamics and stuff and make a small aircraft of wood, which should be able to fly very far. Just a small piece made by wood.
While we are in first semester and we have no idea of propulsion, aerodynamics, drag and stuff (WE DON'T HAVE SUCH SUBJECTS IN FIRST YEAR [im not shouting by the way]).
My seniors can perform calculations and design their own glider, while that is very time consuming. So they got some designs from the net and printed them to scale, and cut them and made some gliders (which performed well, comparing to the first day), and they were making some good modifications if it crashed, changing C.G, drag, and weight.

I am searching for such websites, that can give me some designs of good gliders that fly pretty well. The size is small, LESS THAN 30 x 30 CMS for SURE.
So please tell me if u come across such websites.

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Re: Looking for aeronautical/aerospace engineering websites
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2009, 12:09:57 am »
I will look tomorrow.

Offline SGVaibhav

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Re: Looking for aeronautical/aerospace engineering websites
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2009, 12:58:01 pm »
Waiting for an exciting reply.
A good challenging distance will be of around 50 metres.
I would greatly appreciate if some could give me a design of a glider which has a capacity to fly 40-50 metres.
I am trying to search also, but no success till now