Author Topic: Laptop or desktop, decide now!  (Read 3156 times)

Offline °o.O-hash94-O.o°

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Laptop or desktop, decide now!
« on: September 23, 2009, 09:55:29 pm »
Desktop or Laptop?

Desktop or laptop? Extra-buttered popcorn or reduced sodium? Paper or plastic? Gas guzzling SUV or petite hybrid? Well, at least with the desktop or laptop question, we can provide some form of help.

Should I stay or should I go?

There are many arguments in favor of both the laptop and the desktop PC. Let's start with the laptop. Even if you don't see yourself taking a PC with you when you leave the house, and even if you don't feel the desperate need to check your email and surf the Web wherever you are, a laptop might still be a great option.

Less space for cords and CPUs means more space for even better things like golf clubs or shoes.

Desktop PCs take up space. Even though they're getting smaller and sleeker, the laptop takes the gold medal for being an obtrusive-free zone. Because it's a completely self-contained unit, you don't have to deal with a separate monitor, CPU, and the extra cords to power them. With a laptop PC you've got one power cord, and that's only when you need to recharge. Plus, if you get one with a wireless adapter built in (along with an accompanying wireless network in your home or community) you can connect to the Internet without being leashed to the wall. You can even get a wireless printer that communicates with your laptop via magical infrared (IR), WiFi, or Bluetooth technology.

Long live the battery!

You know, a wireless laptop is only as good as the battery that powers it. If you're sitting in your garden, bed, kitchen, or even in an obscure café in Paris, or wherever, you don't want to be interrupted after only an hour by that terrible "low battery... doomsday approaching" warning. You want time to enjoy your wire-free life. And with advancements in battery, hardware, and software technology (yes, software can drain your battery too) and with more powerful processors that run cooler, you can get as many as five hours from your laptop (well, some of them, you'll want to check with the manufacturer). Plenty of time to get things done without plugging in.

Can you say über powerful?

Yes, the laptop used to be a less powerful option than a desktop PC. However, it's been gaining serious ground. Thanks to mainstream computing going the way of multi-core processor technologies, real people like us can have the same type of computing power that big businesses have. Although the laptop hasn't beaten the performance available in the most powerful desktop PC, it's getting close... Real close

Which brings us around to the desktop PC

Although it appears that we've been on the laptop bandwagon, there are areas where a desktop PC trumps its wireless, portable counterpart. Here's one. If you're looking for a PC that can scream through multimedia downloads (think music, movies, and that massive vacation video that Aunt Lucy sent before realizing it was 30 MB) a desktop PC can really provide major bang for the buck.

Performance rich and economical to boot

When you're looking for mega performance features in a reasonably priced package, the desktop PC could be the right solution for you. With a larger tower or "box," the manufacturer has a lot more space to work with and can pack in a great deal more, truly awesome, technologies. For instance, any great new processor that comes out favors the desktop PC first.

All that multimedia stuff? Bring it on

With a desktop PC the entertainment world is your massively entertaining oyster. From your favorite DVDs to music collections to the latest hottest PC game titles, the desktop PC can be your gateway to sheer bliss. Because it can handle more powerful technologies, you can experience your multimedia with amazing clarity and with no lag time. You can also purchase multiple large hard drives and CD/DVD-ROM drives and still have space for upgrades.

Now let's talk about those future upgrades.

You can upgrade to a greater extent with a desktop than you can with a laptop. Again, check with your manufacturer on the specific PC you're looking at, but with a desktop you've got greater latitude for adding more cool stuff. You can make it stronger, better, faster! Things you may want to add include additional random access memory (RAM) to help your computer address files lightening fast, a better video card, and the processor, if you simply cannot live without the latest and greatest technology. There are all sorts of things you can do, and with fewer limitations. So which is right for you? The chic and mobile laptop or the robust and powerful desktop? Let's recap:

The laptop is a great option if you:

>Live in a small space that simply cannot house you and a desktop PC at the same time
>Have an aversion to wires
>Want to take your PC anywhere including in and around your house or on adventures beyond four walls without having to bring a hand truck
>Love your PC so much that you cannot bear to part with it. Ever.
>You're a super secret agent, where smaller and mobile is indeed better

The desktop PC is a great option if you:

>Want to pay a little less and get a little more
>Don't plan to take it anywhere, or if you do (you gamers especially), you don't mind the hassle of packing it up every time
>Like the idea of upgrading the heck out of it
>Are a super demanding computer user and multimedia junkie

i hope this helps u!



Offline Blizz_rb93

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Re: Laptop or desktop, decide now!
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2009, 03:02:09 pm »
for me, it depends
if it were for normal work, normal games, msn, facebook and stuff like that.. i'd go with a laptop

but if it were for games like high processing games and programs, then i'd go with desktop =]

but laptops pwn <3 :D ;D ;D :P :P

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Re: Laptop or desktop, decide now!
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2009, 01:02:14 pm »
i'll go for desktops... ;)

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”

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Re: Laptop or desktop, decide now!
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2009, 03:28:12 pm »
Desktop. Laptops are just too breakable. You have to be determined to break a laptop.


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Re: Laptop or desktop, decide now!
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2009, 05:35:53 am »

Offline slvri

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Re: Laptop or desktop, decide now!
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2009, 10:28:30 am »
desktop. better performance.
seriously when u try to shut them down they just wont shut down!
i hate A level...........

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Re: Laptop or desktop, decide now!
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2009, 09:12:47 pm »

Offline Ghost Of Highbury

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Re: Laptop or desktop, decide now!
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2009, 09:20:52 pm »
divine intervention!

Offline TemplaR

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Re: Laptop or desktop, decide now!
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2009, 04:59:03 pm »
Rofl Alienware M17x laptop With  full specs pwns the pcs eh.
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Offline °o.O-hash94-O.o°

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Re: Laptop or desktop, decide now!
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2009, 06:57:39 am »
Rofl Alienware M17x laptop With  full specs pwns the pcs eh.

lol does that have the power of corei7?
and it has only gtx260sli what about other pcs tri or quad GTX295 sli!
although it is the most powerful in the laptops but not comparable to pc!