Author Topic: Iran's controvertial nuclear ambitions  (Read 4870 times)

Offline Saladin

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Re: Iran's controvertial nuclear ambitions
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2009, 03:21:35 pm »
I agree wid astar 100%, cuz they are not going to take peace, they simply want to be more powerful. They did not have a right to come to the middle east in the first place.

And even jews have ethics, thw Israelis are not even jews, I dont think in the Holy book it says that the murdering of innocent palestinians can ever be justified. And I persoanlly believe that the West have attacked Islam becasue of these Israelis, I never will beieve that Jews are bad people, but the Israelis are horrible and heinous.

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Re: Iran's controvertial nuclear ambitions
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2009, 03:22:44 pm »
SF support justice.... not a forced peace which leaves palestine helpless and eventually make it a slum. Sorry  to double post, but I thought Q80 boy posted after me...


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Re: Iran's controvertial nuclear ambitions
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2009, 03:39:45 pm »
I see that hatred against Jews now.....this is what the jews fear-their future. People like you are threatening them....
I know 3 jewish families here in Mumbai....two of them are good friends and one is my dad's agent
I have known these families since I was a kid....they are not bitter people...very sweet people, very kind and helpful
And okay abt Jews not having the right to come to Middle fled from there(most of them), the little who are remaining face torture(and I know it). Jews were originally form Middle it if you don't believe's all ok if the kings from middle east, moghuls invaded other countries but it hurts when some1 invades middle's all fair??....they've driven the Iranis(parsis) and now are planning to do the same with the very little jews left.


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Re: Iran's controvertial nuclear ambitions
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2009, 04:43:53 pm »
they had no future .. and will never have a future !!

very mean....

Offline Saladin

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Re: Iran's controvertial nuclear ambitions
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2009, 04:47:29 pm »
Yes they were, they were the Bani-Israil tribe, but that it not the point, you do not become a jew just cuz ur documents say so, you become a jew by practice. If you think that killing innocent cilivians in Palestine is said in the Israel Holy book, you are wrong. So Israelis are not really jews, they have metamorphosed into something else. I personally know jews, but they would never kill palestinians. One great Jewish charity person in America said that what Israel was doing was unaccaptable.


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Re: Iran's controvertial nuclear ambitions
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2009, 04:51:01 pm »
Yes they were, they were the Bani-Israil tribe, but that it not the point, you do not become a jew just cuz ur documents say so, you become a jew by practice. If you think that killing innocent cilivians in Palestine is said in the Israel Holy book, you are wrong. So Israelis are not really jews, they have metamorphosed into something else. I personally know jews, but they would never kill palestinians. One great Jewish charity person in America said that what Israel was doing was unaccaptable.

When did I ever say I was supporting Israel?? I only said Israel wad defending but I don't agree with their way but just giving you an idea why it may be doing something like this...
I don't like wars...I'm sure nobody does
I said ~PEACE~

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Re: Iran's controvertial nuclear ambitions
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2009, 04:59:05 pm »
Self defence, look what they have done in the name of self defence....

Moderates never survuive Nid, because in truth they dont know who to support, on one side, you have self defence and on the other hand another country's self determination. Pick one....

Nobody likes wars nid, but its a part of human nature that they happen.

One more thing, sure the Israelis can come back, but you dont know the history behind this. Furthermore, you dont just barge into a region. The Israelis have planned the state of Israel for centuries.... It comes from the napoleonic era. SO dont tell me i dont know my history, tell me whether, Isreal has toe right to sacrifice another country self determination and another's freedom. I dont dislike jews, I hate Israel's feral attitude...


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Re: Iran's controvertial nuclear ambitions
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2009, 05:22:26 pm »
There's no picking any side.....this is debating dude...cummon!! I gave my opinion abt the issue...I can't support the Hamas, nor can I support Israel cause both are causing damage. It is extremely sad that civilians are facing the bullets not intended for them...and I condemn that.

P.S-I never said you don't know your country's history...I just said you could google my words in case you thought I didn't know your country's history

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Re: Iran's controvertial nuclear ambitions
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2009, 07:12:30 pm »
If you support Israel, all you will do is make palestinians angrier. This will lead them to support a$$es like the Hamas, whereas, if you support the palestinians, but stopping Israel's clampdown on their land and rights, you will be supporting them and not Hamas.

Its not a 2 sided thing, it has many sides.

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Re: Iran's controvertial nuclear ambitions
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2009, 12:36:27 am »
hamas isnt bad m8, they also protect the palestinians and are doing a much better job than fati7, hamas stops new settlements and stops the isreali progressing through the land...
only thing i hate about them is how they and fati7 are killing each other and makes me very sad that brothers are killing their own brothers :l
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