Your topic should go on for about four minutes at least.....the teacher may cut you if she wishes to....or she may not
Prepare for four minutes......your topic is the best part of the exam and by far the easiest....learn the pronounciations well(very imp) and one more thing do all the possible role plays and general questions that could be asked....all the possible ones...check the file attached in the previous post shudnt be for 4 minutes
the markscheme says that it shud be for 1.5 to 2 to max. 2.5 minutes
but be on the safer side...and prepare for 3 minutes....if u skip something u'll have something else to say
(PS : when is the french paper 3 ??....our school hasnt provided us with the date for that exam..)
Are you sure.?? Cuz we were asked to prepare for abt four teacher cut me at 3.5 min....
If it's too long...the teacher will stop no prob
I have a sample speaking exam recorded from somewhere....will look for it and attach it
The teacher/examiner should allow the candidate to speak
on their choice of topic for one to two minutes uninterrupted and then follow this up with specific
questions on the topic. Where a candidate has been talking for two minutes and shows no sign of
finishing their initial exposition, the teacher/examiner must interrupt and ask specific questions.
taken from d syl.