Qualification > Sciences
physics doubt..anybodi wiiling to help??
im really confused wid cro workin nd de time base circuit. plz help ???
Ghost Of Highbury:
find the working of CRO attached
"Shogun" had posted it in a physics help topic....
Ghost Of Highbury:
Quote from Shogun's answer...abt time base circuit nd stuff,..
"the time base system works for the x plates on the cathode ray osclliscope(CRO), the thing is tht, dpending on time the voltage goes zero between the plates then after acertan period of time say 0.5 secs the voltage gose up to its original value, how does this help? the x plate is ment to let the beams of electrons move horizonataly (left and right) so it hits the screen (on both the left and right side). so to do this, lets say abeam of elctrones in an CRO is coming and as it passes through the x plates(which is charged with postive and negative charge) the beam of electron (which is negative in charge) deflects towards the postive charge plates.
lets say the positive plate is aranged on the right, so when thier is voltage the beam deflects to the right after CERTAIN SET TIME the voltage goes zero (so no charged plate) and the beam returns to its original path (i.e the left side) then again after a certain set time the voltage goes up and the beam of electrons deflects to the right again.. so this is how the beam moves right and left with the help of x plates whic is TIME BASE system.
base emiter stuff...
the base and emmiter and collector wires are used in a transistor. the for the lamp to work (which is uually placed on the path of colletor emitter path) there must be a current on the base current and there must be a suitable potential difference of 0.6v across the base emitter path.
these conditions are needed for the transistor to work which acts as an automatic switch to switch on the lamp (which is usually placed in the collector -emitter path)
resistance stuff,
they say to the current "get the hell outta here" , u see they act as aopposition to the flow of current in the circuit, it does not let the current to pass through. it blocks the path of the current. with variable resistor u can change the amount of blockage, which means u can allow certain ammount of current to pass and flow through."
Ghost Of Highbury:
astar..can u explain it clearly..
i mean a summary kind of thing..
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