New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Blaaahhh..No discount No paying u a penny...and I am sure u need this penny...
Ur Kicking me out? I can see ur Bar Dying *Flips Penny Up and Down* blahhh Omer I didny even drink it
well i think i have found a solution Miss Manager,we still didn;t hire someone to clean the dishes, bottles, the floor, and the counter, guess she can literally earn her drinks
hahahahhahahaha OMG...Blaaaah ...I still wont give u the penny..dont make those stuff infront of me to pay u and I dont work..I am a Multi Millionaire *Leaves The Dying Bar* will be back when its full maybe..
ahahahahahahaha Its like a Movie..we should film it oneday and I left no one posted after I left...Blaaaaaaaaaah I made it alive.. Yallah Bye in this thread...will post if someone posts inshallah