« Reply #1067 on: August 28, 2009, 12:02:33 am »
ahh, but im actually looking forward to this eid, my 2nd cousin is getting married on the 2nd day of eid 
Ooh woow thats awosme Congratulations in advance ( if i odnt see u during eid )
woow that soo cool
so how many functions u have 4 a marriage?
im not sure, like 3-4 then final wedding, stuff like parent meetings then family gatherings then where the imam or someone comes with the quran and u officialy become a husband etc.

When they talk about me they say I be trippin
What they say about me doesn't make me mad
I think they hatin cause they see me when I'm rollin
Man I can't help it that they really doin bad =P
Big cars, Big wheels, Big chains, Big pimpin', Big money, Big Dreams ;-)