New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
ahahaha im boreeeddd
yes that + bored mmm.... hecking few stuff lol u mean either sf fb or msn
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I <33333333333333333333333333333333 RABBBBBBBBBBBIIIIIITTTTTTTTTZZZZZ N OMG buunnies r sooooooooooooooo freeeeeaaaakkkkkkkinnnnnnnnn adorabllleeeeeeeeeeee eeeekkkk 6 <3333333333333333 AWESOMMEE
THAT IS SOOOOO AWESOMMMMMMEEEEE dammmn i wish i had a pe rabbit i had when i was young gav em aaway aww im sure they'll grow their fur soooon ahhhhhhhhh rabbbbiitt <33
I'm reading this manga abt hypnotism and all that... And about a kid who's trying to control people..and revolutionize the world.. Heck, I want to learn hypnotism now!!