Hey, you. What Greek Mythology have you been reading ? This is my specialty.
Without Athena's help Perseus would NEVER have slain Medusa, okay ? If she hadnt given him Pegasus he wouldnt have killed the Chimera either.
Hercules wouldnt have been able to skin the Nymean Lion without her - EVERYONE came to Athena for advise. 
Hollywood tends to modify everything A LOT !!!
Agreed, she's the chief advisor of Zeus and all. However it was Athena
itself who turned a beautiful maiden like Medusa to.. Medusa that people know. The Three Gorgons. She doesn't get along well with Poseidon.
Dude, Poseidon CREATED horses, and Pegasus for that matter. So yeah Poseidon helped too, indirectly, right?
Paris- the Trojan prince, when given a choice for the Golden apple chose Aphrodite instead of her which annoyed her. She started making plans to defeat the Trojans, becoming subjective- NOT FAIR! She was the one to give Odysseus the idea for the Trojan Horse. I love the Trojans! Gods are NOT supposed to directly interfere or take sides with the mortals and heroes- very smartly she claimed to "helping" the heroes which was more like taking her anger off them.