Author Topic: Weekly POLL..XD!  (Read 468502 times)


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2460 on: July 31, 2010, 09:35:10 pm »
Not now. Especially not now.

Ya Rab.. Do these sad polls after 12 august


You want me to remove the poll?

I did the previous polls too and they were fun!

I just said 'if'. Like in the future. Don't think of the past.  ::)

@DrEvil...LOL. Only crazy people will choose that!

I voted for 'forget about them and move on'.


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2461 on: July 31, 2010, 09:44:05 pm »
Take revenge.Nobody has given them the right to break the heart in the first place


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2462 on: July 31, 2010, 10:02:45 pm »
Take revenge.Nobody has given them the right to break the heart in the first place

You are the revenge type of person? You are not safe to talk to. :P

How will you take revenge? Publish all her pictures like some guys in FB do? Publish her messages?

I mean, what is the use? Don't look back and move on. Nothing is worth it.

By the time you are thinking of taking revenge, she will be already moving on with her life.

And love is giving someone the power to break your heart but trusting them not to. Every person have his/her reasons.

@Everyone, this poll isn't only for boy-girl relationship. It is generally love. Like love of friendship.

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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2463 on: July 31, 2010, 10:48:24 pm »
i wiil not have my heart broken again  ::) im sure
Hope for the Best .....Expect the Worst ;)

Thank Allah for everything :)


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2464 on: July 31, 2010, 11:17:08 pm »
You are the revenge type of person? You are not safe to talk to. :P

How will you take revenge? Publish all her pictures like some guys in FB do? Publish her messages?

I mean, what is the use? Don't look back and move on. Nothing is worth it.

By the time you are thinking of taking revenge, she will be already moving on with her life.

And love is giving someone the power to break your heart but trusting them not to. Every person have his/her reasons.

@Everyone, this poll isn't only for boy-girl relationship. It is generally love. Like love of friendship.

What my ex did to me was amazingly cruel at that time when we broke up  but now i realize i shouldnt have treated her that way


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2465 on: July 31, 2010, 11:21:31 pm »
i wiil not have my heart broken again  ::) im sure

But what would you do 'if' it will be broken ?

I think this poll is useful so that we all advice each other about this issue. I mean at this age, it is something which would happen almost all the time among us, teenagers.

I am not that experienced of heart being broken but I did lose a lot of people before.

@Fame, at that time all what you would feel is anger and taking revenge is not a healthy way to get over a break up.

I am glad things are better for you now. =]

As I said before, all bad times are good lessons for us in this life.


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2466 on: July 31, 2010, 11:25:14 pm »
well, thanks  :).
I am trying  to get a girl I like  cos bachelor life smells of sh*t

I am so bored -_-

downloading Fresh prince of bel air and Shining.



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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2467 on: July 31, 2010, 11:37:52 pm »
Don't rush for love and relationships.

Since you are a muslim, you have to know that having a relationship in Islam is not allowed but if you fall for a person and have every single intention of marrying him/her then nothing is wrong in that as long as no forbidden acts happen like Zina or whatever.

Search for the right girl and think once, twice and thrice. If you can't handle commitment don't start a relationship. You will still meet many people in the future inshAllah.

Another thing is : STOP the cussing in the forum. Take that as your first warning.

LOL. when will you sleep?

I am not feeling bored at all. In fact I am so busy and I am trying to finish things up!

I hate horror movies. =|


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2468 on: July 31, 2010, 11:43:26 pm »
Don't rush for love and relationships.

Since you are a muslim, you have to know that having a relationship in Islam is not allowed but if you fall for a person and have every single intention of marrying him/her then nothing is wrong in that as long as no forbidden acts happen like Zina or whatever.

Search for the right girl and think once, twice and thrice. If you can't handle commitment don't start a relationship. You will still meet many people in the future inshAllah.

Another thing is : STOP the cussing in the forum. Take that as your first warning.

LOL. when will you sleep?

I am not feeling bored at all. In fact I am so busy and I am trying to finish things up!

I hate horror movies. =|

Engraved has already given me a warning for something, this should be my second .  :-[
Or every admin has a separate list ?

Dude, stop thinking too much on every thing. It will just make everything complex like Algebra.

Definitely not interested in whole marriage thing with this girl but relationships are fun . Too fun to handle  ;)


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2469 on: July 31, 2010, 11:51:52 pm »
2nd? Okay then. 3rd-4th time you will be suspended.

Yes, I think of everything that is why I am not a LOSER.

I don't go making relationships for fun and talking to guys flirting or whatever. I respect my religion and more importantly I respect myself.

You can have fun with whatever you are doing, but deep inside of you, you know very well how low you have reached. =]


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2470 on: July 31, 2010, 11:57:58 pm »

Dude, how does roxy put up with you. I am sure she would get pretty annoyed with your mood swings .

God made me this way. our Allah made me this way. I can pretend to be a good person but in the end i will always be on the *fun* side of things  8)


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2471 on: August 01, 2010, 12:10:10 am »
It is not mood swings. I was posting this post with a neutral mood.

People like you won't understand me. I have a good influence on Roxy alhamdolilah and she was always there for me. <3

Don't, JUST DON'T blame it on God.

It all comes from YOU. You alone and no one else.

Who said being good meant no fun ? I have loads of fun in my life. God gives me happiness because I am on the right path.

You might be better than me but you never tried discovering it.


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2472 on: August 01, 2010, 12:16:15 am »
Not you, every woman on this damned earth is to complex to understand.

I think maybe i have understood Nid but thats it.

You think You are good?
No offence intended but asking generally -_- who told you that?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 12:20:50 am by Fame »


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2473 on: August 01, 2010, 12:20:22 am »
Everyone knows themselves. I know my acts Fame. =]

A lot told me but it is not about people telling me. I know my own intentions.

You are 17 and you can differentiate between what is good and what is bad.

I do lots of sins though. I am NOT a shiekh or a scholar, I would be glad if I am one day though! :D

Dad says women are complicated hahaha. I am just a deep kind of person. LOLz. 


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Re: Everyday POLL..XD!
« Reply #2474 on: August 01, 2010, 12:25:06 am »
Glad that you Lol[ed].

I am sure you are a good person  ::).

Anyway, i have to go. Work calls. Take care Homie.

Call me Aamro instead of fame.

Its my cool nick  ;)