DO YOU GUYS KNOW That 55% of all films and movies produced are R rated? Its a fact.
So, we have to lower our threshhold of what is considered 'pornography' to be able to watch the rest 55% of movies. Those who don't will miss out the 55% of movies which are often better.
And unknown, the uncensored version of the american pie does show some scenes which MAY Be considered pornographic by SOME. Its just that American pie has a reputation of 'pornography'. Everybody thinks its a pornographic when they hear it. But I'm sure its just like any other R rated film and those who consider it pornographic will like it if they start watching.
hahahahahaha i dont care if they are R rated! i watch ALL the movies

except twilight and other gay stuff like that!!
hahahahahaha, yeah im that partially nude women isnt pornography!

so yeah AMERICAN PIE is just awesome!! i watched all 7 parts!! hahahahahhhaa
stylish!! may i call you 'stifler's mom' ?? hahahahahahahaah